I'm putting together a small written work of my own about the tarot. I've become too sickened and annoyed at the amount of fluff I'm finding in far too many books on the subject. So, I'm looking for experiences, thoughts, anything. (The questions listed here are guidelines only, if you don't want to answer all of them or just want to state your piece without conforming to set questions, please do!)
If you have any opinion at all on the tarot please state it, regardless of whether you have ever yourself read tarot or had a reading performed.
Have you ever read tarot?
Have you ever had a reading?
Do you think it's real or a massive fraud?
Do you object to people having differing opinions to yours about this and launch into lengthy diatrabes against them or do you simply agree to disagree?
Do you find that the idea of divination is at odds with your religious beliefs?
Have you found that people have certain preconceptions about certain cards (for instance death, the tower, anything) and if so please list them.
Do you have certain preconceptions about cards?
Do you use a significator?
What are your thoughts on using major arcana cards as significators?
Do you have any particular traditions that you hold to with your cards? For instance - wrapping them in a silk cloth, sleeping with them under your pillow, making sure that every deck comes as a gift.
Do you think that the letter of the rule is more important than the spirit? For instance - if you choose a deck of cards and give your money to someone else to buy them for you does that still make them a gift?
Have you encountered bad reactions from people about the fact that you read tarot? Please give examples.
Do you think that you have to be psychic to read tarot?
Do you consider yourself psychic?
Anything else you want to say, any other experiences you have had, etc.
Don't have an LJ or don't want to make your views public?
Email me here!