It's Monday.

Feb 04, 2008 14:09

When I woke up this morning I thought it was Sunday. That was a sucky realisation to have.

So, I've been at Springfield Road all this morning, looking around at what needs to be done and what it would be nice to get done. They've not had anyone based there before in terms of secretarial/admin, so a lot of little things need tidying up. All in all it's not too bad, I'll need to get some things in place in order to do my job, and will be moving things around a bit, but otherwise it looks entirely doable. And in some cases entirely heart-breakingly bad. (All three of the public ladies toilets need serious attention, one of them certainly needs replacement, possibly two of them.)

I was meant to be there all day but I've had to come back to Uppingham Road because Carla's off sick today so I'm covering reception this afternoon. I hate covering reception.

The situation at Springfield Road might be a little more complicated than I'd like it to be, as I'm only on a band 2 there, so I can't do all the things that I'd like to do so I'll have to off-load them onto Pippa, for the time being at least. I don't want her to be too involved long-term though, because actually it's not her site so there's no reason for her to be involved. And of course she is increasingly pregnant. And on an entirely personal note, I've not quite made up my mind on how much I like her. I've not had a huge amount to do with her, so I don't know her that way, but she does seem to be a bit of a bull in a china shop in a way that I don't think promotes cooperative working or indeed anything other than her doing things her way. That's just a sure-fire way to rub me up the wrong way.

And what else has happened lately other than work...

Saw Jane and Dad at the weekend, that was nice. Didn't manage to go out to dinner with them because Gray had a killer headache so he slept that off. Cross-stitching projects are going on well, I'm thinking that I'm going to start bringing my cross-stitch into work to do on my lunch break, so then I'll go to the gym in the evenings to read my book while cycling. I've really not been to the gym in ages, far too long, because I tend to cross-stitch in the evenings and read at lunch times. If I reverse that habit then I can read while on the bike and all will be well. True story.

Changed my name with the bank over the weekend.

Got a tapestry that my mum embroidered. It took her 5 years and 2 kids to complete it, she stitched in one corner that she started it in 1977 and finished in 1982. Andy was born 1980 and I was 1981. I'm going to put that up on the wall, soon as I get around to it. After I hoover it, it's quite dusty!

family, work, cross stitch

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