Nov 10, 2006 14:53
You can tell it's nearly the weekend, everyone's stressed.
Gray's stressed with work being just a little crappy, so he's getting bought breakfast tomorrow.
Mal's stressed with just trying to do too much, so he's cutting down on trying to take the world on.
Louise is stressed because she had her first run-in with Sheila today (the perils of coming in early) and found that Sheila is just as bad as me and Claire have always said. Possibly a little worse.
Elaine's stressed because her ex-partner failed to pay the council tax on one of the properties where they lived - for three years - and now as the council can't find him all the debt is coming down on her. That's quite a lot of debt.
I'm not doing too bad on the whole, though I am feeling a little guilty about not doing too bad when I'm surrounded by stressed people. I was a shoulder to cry on for Louise and Elaine, I'm buying Gray breakfast and I'm going to tidy the house a bit before he comes over because although he doesn't say it often he doesn't especially like the house being untidy, I offered support and advice to Mal, and I guess on the whole I'm doing OK on the friend/colleague/girlfriend stakes.
Anyone else feeling stressed? Really, I'm having a decent day, feel free to offload :)