(no subject)

Jun 15, 2005 17:40

I will attempt a coherent entry, since I haven't had one fo those in a while, what with yesterday's squee (I don't see why no one else is as excited as me about staying in the OC hotel in Miami :PPP) and the day before's woe.

Had the big ass english exam and even though I was in a stupid science room on a stool for three hours it went really well. I hope. I suck at judging my english essays, but I did finish it and that is always a good thing. Had no time to read it through, but then I never do and it turns out all right. And yesterday's development economics was just wonderful, (apart from the fact that I said Ghana has lost $13.7 million because of CAP, when in reality it was billion and all developing countries. Eh. Minor mistake that, hopefully examiners won't laugh at me too much) pity I never say that after maths exams. I have two more maths, both next week and that of course means I have to start revising maths again :((((<- that is how I feel about that.

So apart from exams I have been getting lots of ideas for writing, both fic and original! This is worth noting because as you may have noticed I haven't finished anything in a while. Like I have an ultra late birthday fic for remipunx that is about 3/4 written and all it lacks is the smut, (it even has an ending!) but I will get to that eventually. Writing smut bores me. Eh. Not always. But more often than not.

And I finally managed to read DV16 and will now only talk briefly about it.

I started reding it all convinced it was Draco's funeral, but it wasn't! YAYAY! Although it was Pansy's :(((

He was still splashed with blood. Not his own blood. Madam Pomfrey had declared him entirely unharmed. They had all been unharmed, a lucky miracle.

All but one.

OMG. *shivers* This bit right there almost had me in tears, especially since it evoked the image of QAF's season one finale and Brian and the blood and the scarf. :'(

Also *ships Ginny/Blaise*

"All right," Blaise said and, standing, took Ginny's wrist and held it tightly, which Ginny found startling though not unpleasant. There is more like all the comparisons to Draco and Blaise's beauty. Hee! And Blaise has read Hogwarts: a History! *ships Hermione/Blaise theirloveissobythebook*

But like I normally love Hermione, but she is such a total bitch, this whole chapter was Ginny's. And she will save Draco. Yes. But then he will break her heart and live happily ever after with Harry. It's destined to be like that. I know.

"Do you want to bring another Tom-sized disaster down on all of us? How many people have to die before you stop being so reckless?" Example of Hermione's meanness

"And I'm all wrong, I know it, I always have known it. I think that's why Tom wanted me, because he knew it, too." Example of Ginny's coolness.

Seamus! Woe, that must suck.

I have to confess to being a bit confused as to the silver Dragon rune and Hermione's insistence that Harry could never know he held Draco's cure. Earlier she only said she is looking for possible ways, not that she *knows* the cure. Surely that means that she thinks the cure is possibly somehow connected to the cure. If that is so why couldn't she have found out earlier!? Did she never notice the symbol on Harry's rune? He only never took it off ever.
Woe for Harry's is so sad and broken and bloody and I don't want them to both die now they are in Draco's head.
I have so much to do, but I always feel like after exam days are for relaxing. Will try to begin rereading The Color Purple, I need to and it is fun.

dv, exam

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