(no subject)

Jun 03, 2005 22:45

Have spend entirely too long over here looking at people's pictures, best comments ever. I haven't posted because it is public and I am paranoid and because I don't want to post and get no comments, as stupid as that sounds it will make me sad. Oh and I have no idea how to post pictures in a comment, however I did make an icon with me. Not planning to use it or anything apart from now, but in case anyone doesn't know what I look like and is curious. Not that I look like the icon, my hair being curly and all, but it makes it less likely for people to recognise me. Or something.

In other news I suck. Really. I keep wasting hours of precious revision time on LJ and then lie to myself that it doesn't matter and then I panic. Fun. So in an attempt to actually use my time wisely I will not turn the computer on for the entire weekend. I would want to say longer, but that would be lying. I really can't restrict myself, it is silly but true.

I was going to share the most horrible dream I've ever had, (I have decided to call it a dream as my family is insisting it wasn't real, it sure felt like it and I swear I wasn't sleeping, and I don't believe in ghosts!) but you will probably decide I am crazy.

pics, meme, lj

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