Angels in America...

Jan 13, 2011 02:39

Guys, guys, I am still giddy and it's 2:30 am and I should be sleeping, but before I do I just wanted to say that I love NYC and I never want to go home!

Yesterday I met Johnny Weir, today I met Zachary Quinto and Rufus Wainwright!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

So, I did the whole crazy waiting list thing all by myself and it was cold today, very very cold, but I made friends in the queue and it was so worth it. Absolutely wonderful production, loved every moment, seriously considering going to see part two tomorrow.

Oh and Rufus Wainwright was in the audience!! I was getting my ticket, when I looked to my left and he was right there!! At this point I pretty much died. And then I told one of my new friends from the waiting list queue and he pretty much died also and so we went to speak to him. Well, he did. I just went along with him and tried to smile and not look insane. I am so terrible when it comes to meeting famous people I love, I freeze and literally shake. I hate myself a little for reacting like that, but I can't help it. :( I wouldn't have approached him, because he deserves to be left alone, when seeing a play with what I'm almost certain was his boyfriend, but my love for him is kind of intense and I would have regretted not saying hello. Plus, there was something about the intimate atmosphere of the theatre that made it easier to do so. So many people seemed to run into friends or made friends throughout the evening. It was really lovely. Rufus is going tomorrow to see part two, I can totally go and try valiantly not to stare.

Waited after in order to get a picture with ZQ, because I would have been annoyed with myself if I'd ran off. But I hate the picture, so I won't be sharing it with the class.

The only way things could get better is if I run into Matt Bomer tomorrow on the street....haha.

Good night, coming back on Sunday so will catch up with comments and all of you then. <3
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