(no subject)

Sep 09, 2010 12:47

1. Is anyone willing to beta 2000ish words of White Collar fic? Very spoilery for the last episode. I would be very, very grateful! :D?

2. Since LJ's latest fuckery I have been noticing more people moving to DW, and even though I am not likely to do that any time soon, I want to keep track of you all. Show me your names!

My Dreamwidth
My Tumblr (which I want to start updating again)

3. I really want to see Johnny on the Rachel Zoe project, surely there is more than that 2min Youtube video that was available before it even aired?!

4. I am about to do a flist cut, nothing personal as ever, but it is taking me too long to read my flist each day and there are people I no longer talk to, or never did and even some I don't recognise at all.

dreamwidth, lj, sequins=love

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