Glee: A bit disappointed to be honest, I expected better from the finale.
Things I liked:
-The fact that their friendships and love is the most important thing, how Quinn asked Mercedes to be in the room when she is giving birth.
-The entire birth scene, the way it was spliced with Bohemian Rhapsody should have been ridiculous, but it worked for me
-The fact that she did give the baby away, and we can move on from that storyline, was really worried she'd decide to keep it
-How awesome Vocal Adrenaline were, I am so glad they won, heart or no heart they were clearly better.
-Over the Rainbow, Puck and his guitar always make me happy.
-The song they all sang for Will, them being a family for each other is my favourite thing about Glee
-How Sue voted for them, but didn't tell anyone.
Things that I didn't like
-Their set list for regionals. The new version of Don't Stop Believing was good and I guess it makes thematic sense to end on that, but the rest of the songs were not good enough for a competition. After a whole season where there was supposed to be change, once again we get Rachel and Finn solos and everyone else backing vocals, I thought we 'd moved beyond that. Any of the big group numbers would have been better, they didn't deserve to win at all, so am pleased that they didn't.
-Why didn't Rachel go to the hospital with the rest of them? :(
-Will, after a woman tells you she is seeing someone else, forcing a kiss on her is NOT ON. Gah, back to hating him, he should have known better than to force a Journey-only set list, what about a funk number and Gaga. I know Glee doesn't want to repeat songs, but that was poor.
-Adoption doesn't just happen in five minutes, but I guess it's okay for Shelby to take the baby.
-What's with all the random I love yous? At least not one of the girls said it back. Quinn, Puck didn't love you, it was a drunken hook up, Will stfu, Finn I don't even know.
-I am really sick of themed episodes, a couple of them are cool, every single one just gets annoying, as does the repeat of the title about a dozen times and the lessons learned.
In conclusion, I didn't hate it and bits of it were really good, but I hope season 2 does a lot better.
In skating news:
• Last week was Evan's birthday and there are a bunch of paparazzi videos of him and his DWTS 'family' leaving Boa, which are actually really interesting and I haven't seen them posted anywhere and I know people hate paparazzi videos, but these ones are worth it!
This one is my favourite (I would skip the first minute) it has Evan and Erin being really adorable with one another, whilst saying goodbye and Evan saying how he never got any spray tan during the show, but apparently Erin did and she's been scrubbing it off with bleach! :DD He calls her a boog and they touch noses and I think he says 'I love you kitten' but I am not certain and he also makes a joke! :))
this one he is signing stuff and says nothing new, but it's still cute and he sounds relaxed and doesn't use his monotone.
- In
this one they ask him about his future plans and he says his ultimate goal is to graduate from college, probably won't study drama as doesn't think he is any good at acting.
• Sasha Cohen was also there, (is she his only skating friend? Is she still friends with Johnny? So many questions!) and she has a few minute chat with the paparazzi whilst waiting for her car, it is amazing because they have no idea who she is and they play a guessing game. They really like her and even label her video '
the Charming Sasha Cohen'. (all other vids are just names!) She says how when he was 14 Evan asked her to the Nationals dance and gave her a little stuffed animal! How cute is that?!
• For some reason I had never seen
this Interview with Johnny (it's a year old!) and he looks really good, so thought I'd link to it, he air quotes the 'Evan and Johnny rivalry'. :D
• Zachary Quinto
getting cast in Angels in America in all seriousness makes me want to plan a trip to NY.
• I have resisted getting sucked into Cameron/Clegg (I refuse to call it Clameron), but the fact that they
insist on slashing themselves, will never stop being amusing
• Meme: post pretty pictures according to the following questions! If you want to play, let me know and I'll give you a person to picspam.
hildigunnur gave me Chris Pine!
1. Choose a picture of the funniest face on your person. (or more than one, because I didn't want to choose!)
2. Choose a picture of your person eating.
3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal.
(this one isn't real, sadly, but there seem to be no pics of Chris with animals.)
4. Choose a picture of your person with a member of the opposite sex.
5. Choose a picture where you would have sex with this person.
6. Choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person.
7. Choose a picture of your person smiling.
8. Choose a picture of your person half/naked.
9. Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity.
10. Choose your favorite picture of this person.