(no subject)

May 05, 2010 21:30



Jenny’s extensions terrify me. :(

Oh thank god, Eric isn’t falling for dad’s game. Go, Eric! I LOVE the defiant way Eric came out to his dad, daring him to say something and bringing up his suicide attempt, which yeah, oh Eric your brief appearances are always magical, I wish you had a bigger role.

Hahaha, love the brief glance into Jenny’s wardrobe, all the black and stripes, I am enjoying the battle they are having, team Serena all the way. And of course Jenny stole all the clothes Serena left, of course she did.

Are Blair’s fans for real? Um...I don’t like their existence at all and I prefer a more mature Blair also, you can’t just pretend you go to Columbia now, someone will find out sooner or later, my bet is on sooner.


Chuck and Blair! <3

Nice dress Serena, at least you are consistent. And Rufus, I think you did the right thing, you should join forces with Eric and the two of you can expose William for the sleazy fraud that he is (eta: yes, just like that!)

Serena won an absinthe drinking contest! <333 (btw there is no sign of the Serena that dated Dan and I really like that.)

OH MY GOD CHUCK SUBMITTED AN APPLICATION FOR BLAIR, DIDN’T HE? (I normally hate it when this happens on tv, and it is such a common thing, but in this case love) AWWW HER FAAAACE

Chuck I knew I had faith you would notice something was amiss, thank god your drug and alcohol addled brain is still sharper than everyone else's.

And Dan, well done! You did well! And the letter writing is so THEM.

Wait, I thought Rufus told Lily about that woman?

Haha, looking up cancer is kinda stupid, but I am glad Jenny usng her brain. But how did he convince Lily she has cancer without her going to him first with an illness. The whole thing is so weird.

YAY BLAIR <3333 I want you to succeed and be happy and awesome and I am so glad you are back!

I am impressed that they tied Jenny’s drug dealing with Lily’s fake illness so very well. Her and Chuck can became a kickass team.

So I have half-ironic/half-genuine love for super cheesy 80s hits and this episode of Glee was gloriously satisfying on that front and after last week's angstfest I really appreciated the lightheartedness of this one! :D

Nice cardigan, Mike! :D Haha, Will, normally your rapping makes me cringe, but this was really fun. And I like that Quinn is sitting with Mercedes and Kurt, their are bffs now! :)

Jesse could have done it better, but you did it really well
Aw Rachel, that's sweet.

Why are Kurt and Mercedes not in their cheerleading uniforms?

I've made out with everyone in this school, girls, boys, the janitor
BRIT YOU ARE MY FAVOURITE FOR EVER AND EVER <3333333333 (I love that she is part of the original gleeks team)

I approve of Sue and Emma interactions.

Whoa, the PUCKLEBERRY people made their ship name canon, now that is impressive. I was briefly really into Rachel/Puck, and still appreciate a good fic, but their fans are scary.

Puck makes a good phantom. Rachel's room looks different.

I go to school and I say: be cool Puck, be nice. but by second period I've got a fire extingusher in my hand...
Oh Puck, I have missed you Puckisms and your badassedness. NEVER CHANGE.

Oh, they do have more chemistry than Rachel/anyone else (I think that's mostly Puck's doing but still) BUT what about Quinn? Rachel calls him Noah again :D

You are a slut Will
Yes, he is. And Emma I think that your speech was pretty awesome, am afraid you are supposed to be portrayed as the crazy one again, I don't know all this conflict between the narrative and the meta narrative is making my head hurt.

Hahaha, oh my god they are wearing hammer pants! Is this going to be what I think it is? :D  YES! hahahaha laughing forever :DDD
That was very cute indeed! I don't get why they think this should count for sexual depravity, but oh well. I approve of Kurt being in charge.

Whoa, that's some heavy intimidation methods, Will! Can't say I'm surprised,but you are not Jack Bauer. I still don't get why it has to be someone in Glee.

Aw Puck moved it from Rachel's locker :D

Haha Quinn, why would Rachel put you at number one?

Aww, I love their failed attempts at badassery, need to take lessons from Puck, but Kurt's faaaace awwww

Heeee, I love this whole video trend, Sue needs to have a video in every ep, that was so cheestastic and fun!

Oh wow wow wow I had for some reason forgotten how hot Puck is. Um. Also yay for him singing, I know this is just there to appease the crazy fans, but I don't think it will work, because everyone will want more now! Laughing at Finn's faces. Love the cheesy effects that make it seem home make, a nice touch. Wait a minute, did she play them all? Did none of them know about the others, oh that IS FANTASTIC! Rachel I bow down to you. Brittany and Santana make lovely angels, but Rachel way to ruin the effect with that grin and wink!

Oh come on guys, way to overreact, that was awesome! Rachel is awesome you are getting a taste of your medicine, it's a music video, not real life.

Aww, I love Sue with her sister.

Am so glad Emma didn't just forgive him :))))

Oh wow, I should have guessed that it was Quinn that did it, I mean no one else would put her first anymore, it really makes sense that she would try to regain a few points. And giving Rachel minus points should have made it obvious.

Sneaky-hot I like that. Hey, there is nothing wrong with animal sweaters!

Jesse looked really good in the break up scene, more than ever before. Nicely played. And I still don't think he is genuine.

Just saw next week's promo. WHOA. ALSO, KURT, WHAT THE HELL?!


- Damn, Chris Pine cleans up well, I mean black tie events aside, he appears to own precisely one outfit (maybe they lost his luggage? I like that explanation.) but he looks really good here, his eyes are soooo blue. I think the proximity to ZQ is good for his complexion. (And speaking of Pinto, I liked this fic, it has the feel of old school Pinto that I've missed a little.)

-Chris aside, I do love the Met Ball, because everyone always goes all out with their outfits, more so than normally and you get Katy Perry wearing a dress that lights up, which is awesome as well as this and some pretty fantastic sartorial choices, somewhat surprisingly my favourite is Emma Watson, it's hard to pull off white, but she looks beautiful.

-Johnny Weir on Gail King. (a radio interview from a few weeks ago, which I haven't seen posted anywhere) He talks about his school days and getting bullied and prancing like a pony down a hallway, Gail really loves him and quotes from BGJW, which is nice, though she does ask him when he knew he was gay, which he deals with in his usual gracious way. It is a bit sad, because he also talks about how he hasn't had a relationship in a long time and isn't a good person for a relationship. :(((( He also says he only has four close friends.


I haven't really talked about the election much on here, though I do think about it and read about it a lot, because frankly I am dreading the result. I have hope etc, but it is pretty slim. I know so many people who are voting for Cameron, people that I like and this scares me. I am an immigrant, I really don't want a Conservative government. (For many other reasons also)

fashion, tv: gossip girl, i guess i'll need a figureskating tag, tv: glee, politics, pinto is much more than a car, recs

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