Yuletide part two

Dec 31, 2009 15:41

Here are the rest of my yuletide recs, I urge you all to have a look at them, even if they are not your usual fandoms, because some of these some truly fantastic stories. My absolute favourites are starred.(*)


History Boys: Eight Candles*
Posner doesn't believe, but he lights the candles anyway. They keep the shadows at bay. ~ I adore this story, wonderfully written and featuring a deservedly happy ending.

Hot Fuzz:
Home for the Holidays
* "London?" Danny asked, mystified. "What's London got to do with Christmas?"
~ This is a fantastic, heartwarming story full of some very clever details and a surprise crossover of awesome.
DIY for Beginners: Danny is worried that the temptations of the big city will lure Nicholas back to London, but what can Sandford offer that will tempt him to stay? ~ Hilarious and awesome
Model Village: Last summer, a lot of people died in Sandford.
~ Really creepy AU


Imagine Me & You: Dandelion
Heck and Rachel's divorce is going more smoothly than she'd like. It's a good thing she has Luce to come home to at the end of the day


Something that feels right: It's not like this is the first time she's slept with her best friend. First time she's slept with the best friend who has no chance of impregnating her, maybe. Which, really, can only be seen as a plus. ~Juno/Leah and awesome!
Happy as can be: It begins and ends with questions about happiness. Juno has a life after her junior year; part of that life is running into Mark Loring again. ~ this is a gen fic and a lovely one.


Keeping Up Appearances: A Candlelight Supper to Remember*
“… Cousin Lily’s boy?  Coming to stay with you for winter holidays? ~ A Harry Potter crossover! It made me laugh like a loon! Featuring surprise guests, veritaserum, and a Hyacinth that deals with magic exactly how you'd expect her to. This story makes me want to crossover everything with HP.


Lion King: All the Lonely Moments*
Nala saved the world -- or at least the Pridelands. ~ we all know what Simba was up to, this tells us Nala's story and a wonderful story it is.

Love, Actually: Impropriety*
It's taking Natalie a while to adjust to being in the spotlight. ~ What happens to Natalie and David after their very public first kiss. Really sweet and funny, featuring underwear with cartoon strawberries, Sarkozy, swearing and pun headlines courtesy of the Sun.

Lost in Translation; Post Parting*
But now every night when he gets home from shooting, Charlotte is sitting on the couch with their son sleeping on her chest, and he can tell she hasn't really moved all day. He wants something to make Charlotte smile. ~ Charlotte's husband finds Bob and initiates a reunion and it is hard to describe this, but it's sad and real and hopeful.

Little Red Riding Hood: The Path of Thorns*
Once upon a time, there was a witch, a wolf, and a little girl. ~ This is really creepy and engaging and wheaves together every fairytale ever to a rather brilliant result.


Maurice: The Home Front*
Alec Scudder and Clive Durham meet again in 1915. ~ I love this, beautiful prose and a meeting that works.

Matilda: Three Christmases with Miss Honey*
Matilda never really had a Christmas until she came to live with Miss Honey. ~ What makes this brilliant is the surprise crossover, which I won't spoil you for, but which makes so much sense, that I can't believe I'd never considered before.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith: A Little Less Conversation*
The irony was that Mr. and Mrs. Smith were completely incompatible. ~ Action-packed and really fun; Jane is much better at planning.

Mary Poppins: The Dauntless Crusader*
After Mary Poppins leaves, the Banks children react in different ways: Michael forgets, but Jane Banks Chapman spends her whole life remembering her. Oh god. This story. It's so brilliant. We see the progression of Jane's life from a little girl to an elderly grandmother and alongside it, the progression of the world and it is truly fantastic. One of my most favourite. If you are at all curious, give it a go.


Peep Show: Ten Years Later
Ten years, 6 girlfriends, 18 jobs, 4 multi-level marketing schemes, one short-lived attempt to keep a dog and three pregnancy scares later, Jeremy looked at Mark and thought, "Well, why not, then?" ~ hilarious, with a perfect Jeremy voice


Make Another Day (or, scenes from three beds)
* Shaun and Zach find their way home. Set during and post-film.
~ Oh. This is just so lovely. It starts with a fantastic glimpse of Shaun's pov, and it is beautifully written.
Snips and Snails: The man Cody grows up to be with Zach and Shaun as his parents.
~ Lovely future fic, with a really interesting structure.
Take Off: What if Zach's mother hadn't died?
~ A brilliant 'what if' AU.

Southland RPF: A Month Without Rain
Southland was canceled on the eighth of October. That night, Benjamin Mckenzie looked around his Santa Monica apartment, pulled the curtains closed, packed two suitcases, and moved back to Texas. ~ If you chose to read only one story on a whim, make it this one. It is unbelievably gorgeous and deserving of adulation. The writing is fantastic, the characters (and it is rpf, and a pairing I'd never read or really thought about before, but they are characters) are incredibly compelling and the entire thing is AMAZING.

Skins: She Never Sleeps
She thought that searching for people these days meant typing their name in a little box on a screen, not crossing real life massive huge vast oceans by yourself... ~ Sid and Cassie get their happy ending. Such lovely details

Stargate Universe: Never Let You Go (Again)
Young/Rush. Set after "Justice." After Rush finds his way back to Destiny, dynamics have to be redefined. ~ I'd never really considered this as a pairing, though it seems to be popular, but this story is great in that it shows us a believably broken Rush.

St Trinians: An Original Work (Authenticity and Provenance Debatable)
Post-movie. Annabelle's only option to prevent a job from going bust is to pretend Kelly is her girlfriend. The only option. Obviously. ~ hee, I do love pretending to be a couple stories.


The Vampire Diaries (TV): My Heart Upon my Sleeve
"You're going to make a new spell," Damon told her. "You're going to fix Emily's mistake. Betrayal." ~ This really is a lovely story, it follows canon so well, it feels utterly plausable, it has snappy dialogue and really good characterisation. It also tells us how Damon fulfills his promise to Emily and it doesn't woobify Damon.

The Simpsons: Better than a Dream
Lisa's social life improves once Juliet Hobbes arrives. ~ The Simpsons femslash! Need I say anymore?

The Worst Witch: Things Half Seen
As summer term of Mildred Hubble's fourth year begins, Miss Lynne Lamplighter returns to Cackle's Academy to teach full time. As she and Miss Hardbroom strike up an unlikely friendship, Constance finds herself struggling to understand the artist's way of looking at the world, and is confronted once again by her own limitations. ~ So lovely! (incidentally, Miss Hardbroom is *so* Snape's long lost twin sister!)


V for Vendetta: and the rose bloomed
A few moments over the years in the lives of Ruth and Valerie. ~ lovely and bittersweet


White Collar
Classic, in Progress: "I never kid about formalwear."
~Utterly delightful and all about clothes, will make you grin and aww all over the place.
An Old Story: He blinks, totally thrown for a moment, before smiling with genuine pleasure. "Elizabeth."
~Elizabeth visits Neal, while Peter is away. Elizabeth is brilliant here.
Yin: Neal was ushered to a foyer where he shed his coat, half a pound of snow, and the fifty-thousand-dollar entry fee they'd swiped out of an evidence room before departing the office.
~A fun, gen story, featuring plastic guns, museum curators and mostly armed collectors, oh and Peter scales a fence - sort of.
And Anyone Who's Ever had a Heart: Before seeing the picture, she'd just slotted Neal Caffrey in as one more thing Peter's brain couldn't let go of, and amusing yourself while your spouse hunted down the greatest international art thief of the age was certainly classier than being a football widow. ~ an OT3, an a really awesome one at that. Neal and Elizabeth meet before canon, though this is not an AU, really incredible Elizabeth pov.

tv: tvd, tv: skins, tv: southland, yuletide, tv: white collar, film: history boys, recs

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