(no subject)

Aug 12, 2007 15:58

*Waves feebly*

I have no idea who is still around and who isn't, but just wanted to say that despite ample evidence to the contrary I am still here. Have been madly busy recently, working really takes its toll on you, but have had time to sort of follow the goings on at LJ and just in case have made a JF account and and added people to my empty GJ, am kuteki on both, have added anyone I recognise to both of these, but if you have a different name please let me know! I am going to be posting here, crossposting seems madly complicated and fandom content has been minimum for a very long time, nonetheless I am really, really angry at LJ and its awful timing. This was supposed to be a time of fun, a time of porn and lots and lots of post DH fic! This time has been robbed from us and that makes me really sad. I was afraid of what would happen to the HP fandom after the end, and being thrown out of LJ seems like a really bad omen. :( I just don't want to lose my flist, I may not be around much, but I miss you guys!

What else? Well and awful lot to be honest, but have no time to say anything else, as need to pack. Am going to stay in London for the next two weeks, the last two weeks of my job and then am going to Bulgaria for two weeks.

London people, if anyone is around, would love to meet up after work!!

Everyone else, please don't leave LJ! Will try to actually update properly at some point.

lots of love,

gj, lj, anger

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