Greetings, I am Katia in case you have all forgotten me, though you are excused if you have.
I feel so detached from LJ, have spend a lot of today trying to catch up with everyone's lifes, which is a bit hard to do. So please to be telling me about your summer. How was it? How are you?? Have I missed anything big? Book 7 spoilers? Amazing new fic? Anything?
I have had the most brilliant Summer ever, have seen and experienced a million things and though it is good to be home, I at a bit of a loss what to do in the two weeks before I get back to Oxford to help with freshers week. Can't believe I am a second year now, have four college children none of them have emailed me which worries me, I hope they ddin't hate my letter. College was being so strict about what we said, lots of people's letters were edited. Awful.
Have to tidy room and grab some food before going out so no time to post pics but here is a list of awesome, bizarre and horrible things from the last month.
- Right at the beginning on way to Burgas from Sofia my bus exploded and burned down completely. Yeah I do have pics. No I don't know why it happened, thankfully no one was hurt but a bunch of people lost their stuff.
- Almost two weeks of total relaxation, going to the beach, shopping eating and going out all I did. Lovely.
- OXAB, oxford help to the balkans) Working in an orphanage and playing with the kids for two weeks was the best thing I have ever done. I wanted to take the kids home after it was over. I never knew that I would like something like this, especially since the majority of the kids had very major mental disabilities but it was so awesome. We had an amazing time and I so miss them all.
- My birthday was pretty good too, we ended up staying in a really nice hotel in Burgas and a large number of cocktails was involved, also a jacuzzi.
- Had planned to go to Istanbul. Bought tickets to do that on the 3rd of September but as it was sunny the others decided to dtay a day longer in Bulgaria. We changed the tickets. Then one person decided he isn't going and they all changed their minds, won't go into it here but omg most stressful day ever. Was so pissed off.
- Eventually decided to go to Athens, were not sure how but got an overnight train to Sofia and in the morning eventually find a bus to Greece. Not Athens but a place in Greece we had never heard of. Fun. Turned out this was Tessaloniki but with an odd Bulgarian name.
- Managed to find a way to get to Athens. So lucky, found accomodation from a guy on the street.
- Athens was soo very beautiful and am so glad I went, can't believe I have been to Greece twice this summer.
- Then back to Bulgaria where it seemed so amazingly cheap, had an awesome time going to such nice cafes, bars and restaurants and even spend a day in the mountains.
Pictures coming soon.
How are you?