Apr 12, 2007 23:48
seven times ten plus eight
i would like that number a lot more if that was the temperature. but it's not. it is my grade in adolescent literature. 78 on my midterm. 78 on my paper. i am slightly, just slightly, abover average.
i went to my first poetry reading tonight...weird.
i wanted to go to tke tonight but they weren't having a party. so ang jess and laura went to phi kap. i do not like phi kap. it smells. really really bad. and when i went last time i was harrassed because i don't drink. pfsh.
angela texted me and said gary was there. well ew to him. we saw each other like two weeks ago and he didn't even say hi so i'm not speaking to him. which is fine because he smokes.
i'm doing some laundry and i cleaned. my bed isn't made but i'll be sleeping in an hour or so.
you had me from hello...i believe that. i mean like i believe in that. the idea that you can love someone from the moment you meet. why not. some people just know.
i want to love. very much. i think that's where the problem lies. getting attached too quickly and mistaking it for love, or feelings leading up to love. but i also believe that to love and to be loved you must put yourself out there.
hard to get. it's like football. only someone people know how to play. i wish i could play hard to get correctly. i'd rather be the one being chased than the chaser. it hurts too much to chase. but so does tweezing my eyebrows...and i do that anyway. go figure.
i like to dance, i'm not good, but i like it. i also like commas and use them excessively. get over it.
i do not like ohio.