Jun 24, 2005 20:52
*- Heyy GuyZ... WoW u must be lyk.. "A Miiracle has just Occured", since iit`z gunna be a mOnth siince i didn`t wriite here! i`m sOo sry 4 that. Anyways, i`m been soOo bOred ever siince i baq 4rm Dominican Republic, that`s nOt funny. Well, actually i`ve been 2 tha beach && pOOl wit my bro && his g.f./wifey *lOl diceyy*. Well, i didn`t hav such a good expirience wit tha beach siince i sprained my ankle.... =(, but nOw i`m better.... Thnx 2 all Of U whO hav cared && asked me hOw i`ve been =) -*
*- Well, Dominican Republic was OFF THA CHAIN homiiez! Man, lOts Of fiine guyz!! It was liike an Open Buffet fOr diick!!! "All U can eat" LMAO!! Anyways, i met suk new friends && shyt... u kno, since i`m very sociable especially wit the OppOsite sex =D ; ) -*
*- Even wit a sprained ankle i`ve goiin` Out bcuz i kan`t stand beiin` in tha haus!!!! lol So, yea.. i`ve been 2 Mari`s criib && been Out shOppiin` wit her. OMG!! I`ve gots a TAN, biitcheZ!!! *-
*- So, hOpefully siince i`m hOme bOred this summer.... i`ll be able 2 keep up wit my LJ =) So, until` nxt tyme.. MUCHO AMOR!!! _* RacheL *_