(no subject)

May 26, 2005 19:13

Cedar Point tomorrow baby! =D...

So a lot of my friends today was their last day... and at first I didn't think it was a big deal, until everyone was giving me hugs and saying, good bye I'm never going to be in this school again. I started to get a little teary eyed, but I think I'll be fine with the water works this year, because I won't be seeing any of my friends cross the stage =/ Anyways, softball districts are June 4th I cannot wait until its over.  This summer should be fun, I'll be making some good money. I'm going to the lake for the first time this weekend and Jaclyn gets to come with me =D! I'm excited!!

Well thats about it for now, I'll leave you with this!


1.First best friend: Sarah Scott
2.First car: I don't drive lol
3.First real kiss: Richie
4.First break-up: First real break-up... TJ
5.First screen: sporthottie189
6.First self-purchased album: haha good question, probably spice girls lol
7.First funeral: Great grandma Pettingale
8.First pets: Black Lab maybe, anyways his name was Blackie :)
9.First piercing/Tattoos: ears
10.First credit card: dont have one
11.First boyfriend/girlfriend: First boyfriend Richie, first real one, TJ
12.First enemy: I don't know lol maybe Raghda
13.First big trip: Beaver Island, then New Orleans


1.Last cigarette: never
2.Last car ride: Today
3.Last kiss: umm... don't know lol
4.Last good cry: hmm... yesterday
5.Last library book checked out: month ago maybe
6.Last movie seen in theatres: haha maybe the exorcist
7.Last beverage drank: oooh man raspberry lemonaid mMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMm
8.Last food consumed: mac and cheese mMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMm
9.Last crush: TJ or maybe Corey
10.Last phone call: Dad
11.Last time showered: this morning
12.Last shoes worn: my work shoes
13.Last item bought: Cedar Point ticket babbbyyyyy
14.Last annoyance: we don't speak of her haha
15.Last time scolded: Sunday gayyyyyy lol


1.Who are your best friends?: TJ and Jaclyn
2.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nah


1.Where is your favorite place to shop? I don't really shop haha, maybe deb though
2.Any tattoos or piercing?: two in each ear, and the my naval lol ((thts my belly button))


1.Do you do drugs? no
2.What kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal Essences
3.What are you most scared of? failure
4.What are you listening to right now? Mr. Brightside-The Killers
5.Where do you want to get married? I'm not going to get married
6.How many buddies are online? 71
7.What would you change about yourself? I let my emotis get the best of me


1.Color: red
2.Food: pizza mac and cheese
3.Girls Names: Natalie Karen, Wriley Anne
4.Boys Names: Shawn Anthony
5.Subjects: Chemisty
6.Animals: White Tigers
7.Sports: Basketball, Volleyball


1.Given anyone a bath? myself lol
2.Smoked? no
3.Bungee jumped? no
4.Made yourself throw up? nope
5.Skinny-dipped? no
6.Been in love? yes
7.Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no
8.Pictured your crush naked? lol haven't we all
9.Seen your crush naked? no
10.Cried when someone died? of course
11.Lied? everyone has
12.Fallen for your best friend? oooh yes
13.Been rejected? of course
14.Rejected someone? yes
15.Used someone? never
16.Done something you regret? I try not to have regrets, but yes


1.Clothes? work shoes, shorts, sports bra
2.Music? The World's Greatest-R Kelly
3.Make-up? haha please
4.Annoyance? my neck is killing me
5.Smell? dinna
6.Favorite artist? Umm, I really like R Kelly but I have lots
7.Desktop picture? Beautiful sunset
8.Book you're reading? Kiss me Kill me
9.Cd in player? none
10.Dvd in player? Remember the Titans
11.Color of toenails? Blue Chrome


1.You touched? Brian
2.Hugged? Brian,and Joey
3.You imed? Joe
4.You kissed? good question


1.Understanding? VERY
2.Open-minded? about everything
3.Arrogant? everyone is at times
4.Insecure? oh yeah
5.Interesting? lol to some people no haha and to other very hehe
6.Hungry? STARVING!
7.Smart? I've been told I am
8.Moody? Sometimes
9.Hardworking? oh yes
10.Organized? yeah
11.Healthy? not really
12.Shy? around different people
13.Attractive? I dn't think so
14.Bored easily? oooh yeah
15.Responsible? yes
16.Obsessed? sometimes
17.Angry? more so lately
18.Sad? more lately
19.Disapointed? yeah
20.Happy? yes
21.Hyper? not right now
22.Trusting? of course
23.Talkative? sometimes
24.Legal? i think


1.Kill? HAHA
2.Slap? HAHA
3.Get high with? never!!
4.Look like? myself
5.Talk to offline? TJ
6.Talk to online? Jaclyn
7.Hang out with? Jaclyn


1.In the morning I am: tired
2.All I need is: fooood
3.Love is: not saying a word, but he knows exactly what you're thinking
4.I dream about: the future


1.Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
2.Flowers or Candy: flowers
3.Tall or short: tall


1.What do you notice first: shoulders, and smile
2.Last person you danced with: not sure...joe i think, at prom.
3.Worst question to ask me: if i am mad
4.Who makes you laugh the most? oh man....tons of ppl
5.Who makes you smile: a lot of things
6.Who gives you a funny feeling: not sure
7.Who do you have a crush on: It doesn't matter anyways
8.Who has a crush on you: um...


1.Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: ehh not really
2.Save conversations: i think i have before
3.Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: when i was younger
4.Wish you were younger: no
5.Cry because someone said something to you: depends


1.Of times i have had my heart broken: couple
2.Of hearts i have broken: no clue, they never let me know
3.Of girls i've kissed: none
4.Of guys i've kissed: uhh... lol
5.Of continents i have lived in: 1
6.Of tight friends: 4
7.Of cds i own?: LOTS lol
8.Of scars on body: too many
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