In the past week, I have taken part in several conversations. Some interesting, some funny, some offensive. But only offensive outiside my circle of friends.
Here they are.
1) Hitler as a Brony and how he would play My Little Ponys.
I really dont know how this one started but it ended up with me speaking in a German accent questioning why the Italian Ponies always yelled while the Japanese Ponies always seem to transform into robots. Then my German accent evolved into a very convincing Dr
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz 2) Why I would never go on a cruise.
something like Iceburgs, Godzilla, Pirates, Aliens and Sea monsters would happen to the ship
3) Why I would never go on a "Gay Cruise"
I'd rather go on a regular cruise and face my chances with the Pirates, Aliens, Sea Monsters, and Godzilla, there will be less drama with Pirates and Sea Monsters
4) Marriage Equality in Maryland and if you got married in another state do you have to get remarried in Maryland?
The Answer is NO! The state reconizes your marriage from another state, if you get remarried it will cause all sorts of pain in the ass legal issues if god forbid you get divorced.. also I aint giving my hard earned money to the State. I can use it for better things like beer.
5) The awesomness of Bacon and various deli meats.
6) Ikea Meatballs and why are they so yummy.. Crack, must be crack.