Title : Phone call...
Pairing : OkaMori
Rating : PG
Keito layed in his bed, staring at his phone. It was 11:58 p.m. on April 1st, and he was expecting a text.
He smiled, seeing his phone light up, but it was a call instead. "Hello?"
"Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimashita."
Keito laughed. "Thanks Ryu...but why do you always do it at the very last minute?"
"Because...then I know i'll be the last person you think of on your birthday...and the first person your thinking of the next day."
"I'll see you later Keito...I love you."
Keito heard the younger quickly hang up. "Baka..."
The next day, he walked straight to Ryutaro, and hugged him tightly, mumbling. "I love you to."
lol because Ryutaro did that last year for Keito's bday;