Title : Weekend Plans
Pairing : Chiitaro
Rating : PG-13
It had been a total of three months since Ryutaro had seen his boyfriend, which is why he was extremley excited about this weekend. His parents were going to be out of town, and they agreed that Chinen could come over, and the older boy actually didn't have work over the weekend, so he could come. They had made plans of the older coming over before, but he had to back out the last second because of work. Ryutaro was hoping that wouldn't happen again, he needed to see his boyfriend, even if it was just for a minute, just long enough to hug him, and kiss him.
It was thursday, and Ryutaro was cleaning his room, getting ready for Chinen to come over for the weekend, when his phone rang. "Hello?"
A happy, girly voice answered. "Hey Yuri!" A giggled was heard from the other.
"What is Ryu-tan doing?"
"Cleaning, getting ready for this weekend."
"Ah, about that Ryu-tan...i'm sorry, but I can't-"
"Are you really cancelling on me again Chinen? Seriously, we haven't seen each other in three months, and every time we make plans, you have to back out."
"Eh, no, Ryu-"
"I don't want to hear it. I'm so done trying to make this work, when it obviously won't. Your always to busy for me, its not even worth it." He hung up, throwing the phone on the floor, glaring at it. He quickly wiped a tear that fell, falling onto his bed. He buried his face into his pillow, letting more tears fall. His phone rang again, so he covered his head with a pillow, refusing to answer.
He felt a weight on his stomach, his eyes opening slightly as he had fallen asleep. "Morimoto Ryutaro! WAKE UP!"
That make him quickly wake up, eyes wide open. He tried sitting up, but found himself being held down. "Eh?"
"Ryu-tan is mean!"
He finally realized the person on him, was his boyfriend. "Chii? What are you doing here?"
"Ryu-tan is mean, he hung up on me, and then wouldn't answer my calls!" There was a pout on his lips.
"Because you were cancelling on me again!"
"I was not! If you had listened, I was going to say that I couldn't wait until Saturday, and I was coming over tonight because my work for tomorrow got cancelled."
Ryutaro could feel his face heat up. "Oh...i'm sorry."
"You better be. Its been driving me crazy not being able to see you for three months. I miss you."
Ryutaro pushed himself up, wrapping his arms tightly around the older. "I'm very sorry Chii. I've missed you to. Alot." He pressed their lips together, in a simple kiss. "I love you Yuri."
Chinen smiled, kissing Ryutaro again. "I love you to."