Title : Just one more chance...
Pairing : Takayama, mentions of Yabuhika & Okajima
Rating : R
"Yuya!" Kota sat on the couch beside Yuya. "Your birthday is next week, what can I get you?"
"Nothing. There is only one thing I want, and he isn't coming back to me..."
Kota sighed, patting the others shoulder. "Maybe he will, you never know."
Yuya sighed, leaning back against the couch with his eyes closed, thinking about what happened 3 weeks ago.
"Are you seriously asking me that Yuya?" Ryosuke stared at his boyfriend, surprised by the sudden question.
"Yes. Do you like Yuto?"
"If I liked Yuto, why would I be dating you?"
"Thats a good question! It seems very well that you like him. Yours always hanging on him, hugging him."
The rest of the members that were in the room, silently left the room as the two fighting started to get louder, almost screaming at each other.
"That is fucking fanservice Yuya! Like how you hugged Yabu in the Summary dvd! How is that different?!!"
"Because Kota is dating Hikaru, and i've never had a crush on him before! Yuto isn't dating anyone, and you used to have a crush on him! Sometimes I think you still do! Your just happy with whoever you can cling to, it doesn't matter who it is! You'll take whoever will give you attention! Your such a slut!"
Ryosuke's eyes widened, filling with tears. "Your an asshole Takaki!" Ryosuke stepped foward, slapping the olders face hard, then stomping out of the room, tears falling down his cheeks.
They haven't talked since then.
Yuya opened his eyes, looking around the room to see that he was alone, until he looked behind him and saw Ryosuke putting his things into his bag to leave. "Ryosuke." He called the younger, and noticed how stiff he became when he heard Yuya call him. "Ryosuke...please, can we talk?" Yuya got, quicking going over to the younger.
"I don't have anything to say to you Takaki." He started throwing his things in his bag, wanting to get out quickly.
"Please Ryosuke...i'm sorry. Please just...i'm sorry. I don't know what to say otherthan i'm sorry."
"Then you have nothing else to say, so i'm leaving."
Yuya grabbed Ryosuke's arm, not letting him go any further. "Ryosuke...i'm sorry, I just let my jealousy take over that day...I was already in a bad mood because of what happened with my parents that morning, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you...what I said then, I didn't mean any of it...I love you Ryosuke, and I can't go on any longer without you..."
Ryosuke looked up at Yuya, tears falling from his eyes, down his cheeks. "I can't Yuya...you really hurt me that day...i'm sorry." He pulled his arm from Yuya, and ran out of the room.
Yuya sighed, falling against the back of the couch, letting his own tears fall from his eyes. The door opened again, and thinking it was Ryosuke he quickly jumped up, but saw it was Yuto. "Yuya, are you ok?" The younger went towards Yuya, wiping the tears off his face.
"I really screwed everything up..."
"Don't worry Yuya...I know Ryosuke, and he really loves you...so I have hope for you two, that everything will work out just fine." He smiled lightly, and hugged Yuya.
"Thanks Yuto...I hope your right."
"Yuto?" They looked towards the door, seeing Keito. "Are you coming?"
Yuto nodded to Keito, then turned back to Yuya. "Go home and try to rest Yuya...you'll feel better after sleeping, ne." Yuya nodded. Yuto smiled, turning and running to Keito, hugging him tightly. Yuto kissed Keito's cheek, causing the older to blush. "Lets go Keito." He wrapped their hands together, pulling the older along.
"So Yuto is dating someone..." Yuya sighed, grabbing his bag and went home.
It was a week after that, he tried talking to Ryosuke a few more times, but it always ended the same, with Ryosuke running away in tears.
Yuya was sitting on the couch in his apartment, with Kota beside him again. "Come on Yuya, its your birthday...lets go out drinking! Hikaru said he'd pay this time..."
"I don't want to go out. I just want to stay here, and never move again."
Kota took Yuya's shoulders, shaking him. "Yuya! You can't let this kill you! There will be other people!"
Yuya pushed Kota's hands off him, glaring up at the older. "Kota, just think about this; what if Hikaru suddenly just wanted to break up with you! How would you feel?! You love him just as much as I love Ryosuke! So how would you feel if you couldn't hug him, kiss him, or even just hold his hand anymore?"
Kota was quiet for a minute, staring at Yuya's face. "I'm sorry Yuya...I can't really understand what your going through...but just thinking of loosing Hikaru...I can't imagine being without him...i'll leave you alone now, if thats what you want."
"Sorry I yelled at you...but yeah, I just want to be alone."
Kota nodded, getting off the couch. He leaned down, hugging Yuya tightly. "I'll see you later then..." Kota walked towards the door opening it to leave, but was surprised to see someone standing there, looking like he was debating with himself if he wanted to knock on the door or not. "Ryosuke?"
Ryosuke jumped at hearing his name, and looked to find Kota staring at him with the door open. Yuya hearing the youngers name, came running to the door, and found the younger outside, fidgeting with the hem of this shirt. "Um...can I come in...?"
"Of course!" Yuya nodded, pushing Kota out and letting Ryosuke come in.
Ryosuke stood there silently, shutting the door behind him. He just stood there, bitting his bottom lip, his hands fidgeting together. "Uh..."
Ryosuke couldn't hold back the tears anymore, stepping foward, hugging Yuya. "Stupid! Bakaki! I hate you! I hate you so much!" He hands clung to Yuya's shirt, as if he was scared to let go.
Yuya wrapped his arms around Ryosuke, pulling him as close as possible. "I know. I'm so sorry Ryosuke." He lifted Ryosuke up, walking them towards the couch, where he sat down with the younger in his lap. They just sat there, hugging for what seemed like an hour.
Ryosuke pulled back, staring into Yuya's eyes. "Yuya..."
"Does...this mean you forgive me?"
"Yes...but only this time. I don't give third chances, so if you hurt me again...its over."
Yuya smiled, and nodded. "I promise not to hurt you again...I couldn't live without you." He reached foward, wiping the tears from Ryosuke's face. He leaned foward, kissing Ryosuke's forehead, then his left cheek, right cheek, his nose, then his lips. "I love you Ryosuke. I love you so much."
Ryosuke kissed Yuya, biting at his bottom lip. Yuya parted his lips, letting Ryosuke completely control the kiss. Ryosuke parted from the kiss, a smile on his face. He layed his head against Yuya's shoulder, nuzzling the olders neck. "I love you to Yuya. More than anything."
Yuya pulled Ryosuke down onto the couch, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch down onto them. He wrapped his arms around the younger, enjoying having him snuggling against him again. This time, forever. He wasn't letting the younger go. Ever.
It feels like its been forever since I wrote xD so please let me know what you really think of this~
Hope everyone enjoys this ;o;