Apr 18, 2011 15:29
Hey everyone! I feel like I really don't post enough anymore. Life's going pretty smooth at the moment. I'm coming up to the end of my first college year (Hopefully I'm on the way to a distinction!), the bitch girl finally left (We all think she's coming back though :(), things kinda went bad with the guy.. I mean; we still talk, but I don't think he wants a relationship. No biggie though cause we're great friends :). My health is still awful, and I think I'm deteriorating quite rapidly :( I'm having hydrotherapy, but now I'm getting muscle spasms, weakness and I'm loosing my footing quite a lot. Still trying to figure out what it is though.. I'm convinced It's something like MS. Also, I'm getting back into TS2, and I've started playing Amnesia a few days ago (I have screenshots, but only some, because Amnesia literally makes you scream and cry :L).
Anyways, how is everyone else?!