tv shopping, health, and fitness

Aug 16, 2007 15:52

i always wonder how tv shopping companies stay in business when all they sell are pieces of shit. they sell ab machines that can sculpt your entire body (yes, even your butt muscles), belts that make you lose fat while you sit on your lazy ass, pills that make your boobies grow bigger, and every other thing that you could ever need.

notice the focus on the make-you-sexy-by-doing-nothing products? the tv shopping networks are spreading false information about health and fitness that may lead to serious health problems (or seriously wasted time) in the long run.

1. your metabolism drops as you age. low metabolism = faster fat build-up. you solve this by building muscle. lean muscle mass increases your resting metabolism so you burn more calories doing nothing. it also makes you stronger.

2. cardio helps you burn calories and fat, makes your heart stronger, and generally makes you healthier (there are too many benefits to mention).

3. weight is not a good measure of fitness since muscle weighs more than fat. a 180-pound fat person will be a lot bigger than a 180-pound muscular person.

4. eating less (less than a thousand calories/day to be exact) does more damage. it decreases your metabolic rate so it only keeps you thin as long as you can keep yourself from eating. and since your metabolism drops as you age, then you'll have to eat less and less to keep yourself from getting fat. who wants that? aim to hit a metabolic rate that allows you to eat what you want without getting fat.

5. the longer you stick to a training program, the less effective it becomes. training programs are only effective up to a maximum of 2 months. therefore, the ab machine that the tv shopping network is trying to sell you cannot really replace an entire gym.

6. do weight lifting before cardio. this makes you burn more fat.

7. weight lifting does not make your muscles grow. the rest period after it does. weight lifting actually causes micro tears in the muscles that your body repairs while you rest. so don't work the same muscle group for 2 consecutive days.

8. your muscles need proper nutrition to grow and you need "fuel" so you can work out. use this opportunity to eat more (more real food, less junk). keep in mind that eating is a lot safer than taking supplements because most supplements have side effects.

9. cardio + building muscle = best way to be fit. doing cardio alone just makes you thinner (although it builds muscle to some extent). and it takes a lot more time before you actually start burning fat. building muscle alone only develops your muscles (duh) and makes you stronger (although it helps you burn fat to some extent).

10. it naturally takes time to build muscle and burn fat. there are short cuts but they usually result in temporary effects. so fuck the 2-minute-a-day-lose-200-pounds-in-a-week programs.

keep these things in mind when buying from a tv shopping network. this list will help you pick out bogus equipment/training programs from real ones.

and the next time the tv shopping network sells you a piece of shit for P10,000, throws in some more pieces of shit as freebies, and slashes P9,000 off the original price bringing it down to an amazingly low price of P1,000, ask yourself this: am i willing to pay P1,000 for this piece of shit?

random things, health, fitness

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