ethereal adventures

Sep 18, 2006 09:04

we decided to finally screw pRO and level up and transfer to a private server because:

1. nobody ever plays. everybody bots.

2. you won't go far if you don't bot because the zeny lost it's value a long time ago. the most useless stuff were selling at 1m a piece.

3. everybody owns uber equipment. if everybody owns them, then they lose their uberness.

4. cheating and illegal activities have become so prevalent that they became the norm.

5. the GMs (or vanguards as they call it) are non-existent.

6. the customer support team is also non-existent. they can't do anything other than give you canned replies that actually mean: "we're so sorry you got screwed. we won't do anything about it but please continue paying us. thank you."

7. level up solves problems in the most retarded ways.

now why should we continue to pay good money to a company that treats its customers like shit and for a game that we rarely get to play? we love the game. but the system prevents us from enjoying it. so hello, etherealRO.


we have absolutely nothing in eRO. i have to walk to get across maps that are so far apart. i have no tele clip. i have no money to buy fly wings. but it's all worth it because we get to play with real people again.^^

while i was doing the mage quest i passed by prontera town and tried to beg for a bottle of milk. after just around 30 seconds of sitting, this acolyte requested a deal and gave me the milk for free. if this happened in pRO, i would have been asked to pay 10k minimum for the same item.

thanks to her, i'm now a mage.^^


we spent last night playing. teh slow girl started at level 15 and ended at level 36. i started at 24 and ended at 40. we had to rely mostly on my firewall+fire bolt combo because we both had no decent equipment. mages are good as long as they don't get hit because they can do very good damage with just int alone. and teh slow girl gave me a rod that she picked up, which adds 15% more matk.

action pic 1
action pic 2

but when mages that are wearing practically nothing get hit:

sad pic 1
sad pic 2
sad pic 3

but it was fun. we're a bit more powerful now. although were still nekid. ^^;

as soon as teh slow girl gets decent equipment, we'll be able to level a lot faster. and she may be able to prevent me from getting hit because a naked mage without a phen clip is useless against aggressive monsters.


Ragnarok Online may be a sucky name for a character but it's my personal tribute to the best game ever.^^


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