I hate Monday’s, I hate Monday’s, and I hate Monday’s.
There is a very interesting article in McClain’s magazine about Canadian people being anti-American. Which I found very interesting since I’m in a war with my online no smoking support group that involves some of that.
I put up my old icon on their site (the one with the black man and white women) and they told me I had to take it down because they did not think it was art!(God does not want black men to touch white women, according to them, that was the jist of it anyways) So I of course sent back an email (in a true nicotine fit) and stated that no one had asked me if I found the bible thumping, American flag waving garbage offensive. (I really don't care if you are American, Canadian or from the moon, I just needed a smoke...LOL) I changed my picture to a lady draped only in a towel with flaming devil wings…LOL I consequently have been on probation for the last few days. LOL
And the Rule Breaker ever helpful suggested that I start up 2 or 3 dumbie names on the site and fight with myself and see which one of my personalities I could get kicked off first!
Really I should get some of the LJ crew on there, and we could all have fun pissing them off…LOL
By the by putting flaming poo bags in front of an active aggressive co-works office then running was my official theory during my class discussion last night. CCS anyone? Evil laugh. I may not be smoking but I sure as hell am having fun with the nicotine fits!!
I have been quit for 6 Days and 27 minutes (6 days). I have saved $35.56 by not smoking 90 cigarettes. I have saved 7 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/21/05 8:56 PM