Mar 17, 2006 21:01
People say that racial profiling doesn't happen; but their FUCKING WRONG, it fucking just happend to me:
okay heres what happened, me and my dad were coming home from kaiser like we usually do on fridays. we get pulled over for speeding like 2 miles/hour over the limit; my dad was basically like we did nuthing wrong, we were going 42 in a 40 zone (legally thats okay); then the officer was all like "no it was more than that" though he didnt specify how much more. he kept goin on and on; after like 2 mins of him going on and on about sumthing or other; he asked us to step out of the car, when we asked him why, he was like "security purposes". That PISSED ME OFF. I then just went off on him about how just because we are brown skinned, it doesn't mean you can shove us into the category of "terrorist"; really we are classified as ASIAN INDIAN. he was all like "i never accused you of being terrorists"; that was a load of crap. He then searched the car and stuff... found nothing; while he searched he made both me and my dad sit on the curb with our hands behind our heads and explictly told us to only speak english (cuz me and my dad we conversing in gujarati)... that REALLY PISSED ME OFF. So after he searched he went back to his car, talked on his radio for a bit and then came back out. He appologized for the inconvinece (which was like "sorry" in a fake ass way), wrote down that fuckers badge number and info.
The WC PD is gonna get a nasty letter about this.