OMG - they did it!

Nov 24, 2011 09:00

They did it!

I was scared at first but they pulled it off!

Jason Segel wrote a love letter to the Muppets!

The new movie is great, fantastic... wait, those aren't the right words. It's sensational! Inspirational! Celebrational! MUPPETATIONAL! :D

I'd been scared because Muppet humour is so hard to get right.

Play it too goofy and dumb and it comes off as strictly kiddie-fare.

(For instance I HATE interviews with Kermit where the interviewer talks to him as though he's a dim 5 yr old. Big Bird is a character consciously written to have the cognitive abilities and personality of a 6-yr old but Kermit is supposed to be an adult. And actually a very intelligent adult - he knows he's surrounded himself with lunatics, that's why he gets so famously frustrated. He just always reaches a "if you can't beat 'em you might as well join them" point and does his best to steer the hurricane, not stop it)

On the flip side try and and make the Muppets trendy and "hip" and it falls absolutely flat and looks like they're trying WAAAY too hard.
(Muppets have never EVER been "hip" - they are gloriously ANTI-HIP - or I suppose I should say Anti-Hipster.)

EDIT: A great article on the trouble of capturing the spirit behind the Muppets (the video is cool but if you don't want to take the time to watch the text of the narration is listed below the embedded video)

Anyways it's a hard, hard balance to get right.

So it's not that I doubted Jason Segel's sentiment when he claimed to be a huge Muppet fan - it was more that I doubted his skill level.

But he did it!

I won't say anything more specific about the movie because I don't want to spoil ANYTHING (my sister had one bit spoiled for her so sadly it wasn't as big a surprise although she still loved watching our friend and I lose our shit at the BEST CAMEO EVER! XD ) so I'll just say "Go! Go now! Go see it!"

Because they got it right:)
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