Jan 19, 2009 12:28
Man, it's really hard to believe school starts tomorrow! o_o Where oh where did my break go?! Oh yeah! Kabuki ate it...seeing how the two days I agreed to come in and help turned into 10+ days working. Much annoyance. I didn't get to do any of my projects I had planned, I'm still doing them I just got a slow start.
I'm trying to decide what to do with this blog. One thought is to turn it into my art blog, where I would be posting my latest ACEOs three times a week and then larger works as they are completed. I do know it seems silly for me to randomly get on here and ramble when ever the urge hits me to do so! Heh, I guess I need to acually plan out my posts hence forth! ^_^
I think I will try out the art blog. I get too paranoid about people stealing my work and that is silly. Art is meant to be shared and enjoyed :)