Apr 28, 2006 12:13
Well, today is the last day of my residence in this city of Guelph, for tomorrow I shall be moving to Barrie. As is usual in my twisted existence, there was another change of plans, but, strangely enough, wasn't harmful to the master plans as a whole.
The time in which I must be absolutely ready has been pushed back by roughly three hours, being 1pm instead of 10am, which buys me time. Of course I'll still be aiming to be ready well before they arrive. Also, renting a van won't be necessary, as my friend's friend has a minivan, and is gladly going to help, with the usual cost for gas and such. That's fine with me, for at least that way, we won't be extremely rushed with a time limit.
Also found that I didn't have to make a trip to the northwest corner of Guelph to apply for the Unemployment benefits, as I was able to do that online, and did so last night. All that's left for that is to send my papers and such to the Barrie office.
Hopefully later today my cat Shadow will be picked up by a friend, as that will leave the last of the "here" worries, and I can be fully ready to leave Guelph. I just hope that I'm not going to end up forgetting something. *chuckles*