Techfail and success!

Feb 21, 2010 18:41

My little netbook gave up the ghost last week, while the sudden storms made the gutters overflow and our router decided to take some time off.  So I've dealt with several small emergencies of a domestic nature, culminating in putting bits of my old desktop back in and doing a clean install on it.

It's oddly comforting to find that this box still works, and only making one big connection mistake in the whole shebang (I put the wrong plug into my soundcard and swore at Windows for three hours before thinking to check my hardware) has made me feel pretty darn self sufficient.  Not so much when compared to the hardware geeks I hang out with at times, but certainly more than most people in the Arch faculty I've met.  For people so fastidiously interested in the minutiae of dead humans, Archaeologists really are flippant about understanding the tools they use to assess data.

I ventured out into a large social situation for someone's birthday, and surprised myself.  I ended up surrounded by geeks.  We discussed the golden age of Scifi, cyberpunk RPing and Japanese Metal Synchonised Para Para Dancing (an act that deserves capitalisation, it's so bafflingly wrong).

So exhausted from more eventful week than I am used to, I spent today browsing Project Gutenberg like a mad thing.  I have discovered that I can knit while reading free ebooks, and it's going to be something I'm very happy of in winter, if I have any wool left by then.

making, computers, books

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