Fanfic: I dunno what to call this thing

May 30, 2013 11:05

I wish I could say I've been up to something, but the fact of the matter is... nope. I just work and play Elsword in my free time.

Title: N/A. See subject line.
Fandom: Elsword Online
Pairing/Characters: Elsword/Chung
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: None
Summary: Elsword wants to capture the thief he's always chasing. Didn't think he'd actually do so, especially because of his bummed leg.
Notes: Un-beated, all mistakes are mine. Semi-AU.
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The sound of heavy food steps pounding against stone. Heavy pants of someone running and the light laughter that echoes off the walls.

“Damn you! Get back here!” An angry growl.

“Heh, heh.” Cheeky laughter.

A cloud moves away from the light of the moon and the two stop at a window. The knight pants, glaring with fiery red eyes at the figure who stood on the banister, posed to leap unto the night. Equally red hair sticking to his forehead, beads of sweat sliding down his face; the knights annoyance is clear.

“Oh? What is this Mr. Knight? Tired already? You usually last longer than this.” Eyes, a bright luminous blue, laugh at him. Mischievous alight within them that dances. His face is covered, a cloth that doubles as a scarf and the moon highlights the blue and white on the outfit he wears.

Outside the clock tower rings.

“Hmmmm?” The figure on the banister tilts his head to the side, languid, and smirks. “Let's have fun again some other time Mr. Knight.” And with a smirk he leaps off the banister and into the night.

Elsword sighs. He walks over to the window and leans against the frame frowning. He is irritated, he scoffs and walks away from the window. Eyes narrowed, his feet stomping across the stone.

Looks like he gets away again.

----- ------ ----- ----- -----

The next morning, the town is filled with gossip. They know the thief has struck again, but the gossip is not about what he stole, or how the Knights were unable to stop him. Instead it is a curious whisper of if he was to give back what he stole. Like he usually, always, does.

Elsword chews languidly on an apple. Blinking bleary as he stares out his kitchen window and onto the gossiping townsfolk. He is just barely awake, as usual after a night with this famous thief. He wishes to get more sleep, but he his a knight and he has a duty, so he is up when doesn't want to be and listens to the town.

He frowns.

Sighing heavily, he runs a hand through his hair and tosses the apple into the trash bin. He knows that last night was another failure. He knows not how many failed attempts it has been now. He wonders if its even worth it anymore. The other knights have given up. No sense in catching a thief... that really isn't a thief? How do you handle someone who returns what he steals?

Elsword is the only one that bothers to chase; something within compels him to continue to try to catch. To what end? He does not know. He just know that this thief irritates him and he wants to catch him.

The town's clock rings 8. Elsword blinks, and sighs as he runs a hand over his face. There will be plenty of time to think of this later. For now, it's time to start his day and onward to his duties.

Much later in the day he is not surprised to find the stolen goods returned, and the ever present note: “Shall we try again Mr. Knight?”

Elsword huffs, but there is a small smile. A little twitch at the corner of his lips as he slips the note into a pocket. “I'll be looking forward to it... Mr. Thief”

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Elsword scowls at the doctor. “That long? Really?”

“Yes that long Elsword.” The doctor drawls; unamused. She is use to this. Knights that don't want to follow her advice. But what could she do? She told them what was best, and they in turned decided. Not her fault if they have problems down the road because of said decision.

Elsword give his wrapped up leg a look of disdain.

Beside him the doctor sighs and goes about gathering her stuff. “In all honestly, you're lucky it's not broken. That would take up to 4-6 months to heal. This is just torn ligaments and tissue.” She closes the bag that carries her stuff and sighs. Turning she ruffles the knights red hair. “Just don't do anything strenuous. Keep it elevated and massage the leg when you feel it getting stiff. You'll be back out on duty before you know it.”

Elsword huffs, but leans back onto the pillows with a sigh. Besides him the doctor smiles and turns to leave. “I'll be back in a week to check up on you. For now, just get some rest.” She then locks him in a stern gaze, eyes serious. “And, for El's sake, if you need to move about the house, use the damn crutches.”

Elsword crinkles his nose and look over at the crutches with said expression. The doctor just sighs and the knight watches her leave and hears the front door shut soon after. He lets out a heavy breath, one of disappointment, and glances at his leg with a frown. He was use to being injured on the job. Getting cuts, scrapes and bruises was nothing new. This... this he really didn't know how to deal with.

It had been raining. The ground weak and muddy. A misplacement on the ground that caused him to slip while swinging his sword. Even now Elsword could remember the burning that shot up his leg. So intense that he wanted to scream.

Well, there was nothing he could do about it now. What is done... is done. As it is said.

Elsword leans against the pillows on his bed in a huff. He is disappointed to say the least. With an injured leg he can't do his duties, and not for a while it seems. There is a curl in his chest, something that leaves a heavy weight in it that comes with the knowledge that this also means he couldn't chase a certain thief for a while.

Like he was going to miss him.

The thought makes Elsword blanch, instantly derailing that thought. Things were going to be boring, yes, but to miss that thief? No way!

However, as Elsword laid himself on the pillows and closed his eyes to sleep, he only let a tiny bit of himself admit that it wasn't true.

----- ----- ----- ---- -----

Something disturbs the atmosphere. It causes Elsword to instantly be alert. His jerks awake, eyes snapping open and lets out a hiss. The pain shooting up his leg is horrible. He grinds his teeth together and clenches his eyes shut.

“Ah, sorry about that.”

Elsword freezes. His heart hammers in his chest and he tenses. He could barely breath through his shock; a lump of air caught up in his throat. He knows the voice. Knows it very well and he can hardly believe it. But, he lift his head anyway and looks over to the window.

It is open, the curtains drifting lazily in the small breeze and Mr. Thief is there. Hands gripping the top of the window and a leg planted on the floor, the other already half way in. His ever present scarf covering his face, except for the eyes.

Elsword sputters. “You! How did you? Why are you-?” Elsword mind is in a frenzy. This is shocking, he has never been so surprised in his life. Questions run around in his head and he doesn't know what to do. He has an urge to grab his knife, but he knows moving will hurt his leg.

Mr. Thief hesitates. Eyes flickering between the window and Elsword, most likely deciding if he just leave. But, Elsword watches as he huffs and slides in all the way. He stands, arms crossed over his chest and Elsword can tell he is pouting.

“You didn't show up tonight.” Mr. Thief accuses.

Elsword is flabbergasted. He gapes; mouth open and he wants to say something, but is too shocked to do so. That's what he was here for?!

However, Mr. Thief isn't particularly paying attention to Elsword and instead looks at the wrapped up leg the other sports. He lets out a thoughtful hum. “All things considered though... I can see why.” Elsword blinks and finds those ever luminous eyes on him. “What happened?”

“Accident.” Elsword says before he can even think about what he's saying. “It was raining, ground was weak. I slipped while swinging my sword. It's torn ligaments and tissue.” Elsword realizes what it is he just said and tenses again with a bite of his lip. He apprehensive of what the other will do with this information.

“Awww.” And Elsword can tell Mr. Thief is pouting and can hear the disappointment in his voice. It irritates him and the knight finds himself grimacing. But, Mr. Thief is looking thoughtful again and a moment passes before he snaps his fingers.

“I know just the thing” He exclaims. Eyes alight and Elsword can tell that the other is grinning through the cloth around his face.

“Wha-” Elsword can't the whole word out before the other is over at the window and leaps over it into the night.

Elsword scowls, for the window has been left open. But, the evening breeze feels nice and Elsword can't find himself to be too mad. For the most part he is in too much shock to really care. He lays against the pillows again and looks up to the ceiling.

Maybe he can just shake this whole thing off as a dream.

Waking up in the morning Elsword finds a tin of herbal tea-leaves by his bed side. There is a note with it: “Get well soon Mr. Knight. It'll be so boring till you are. I'll visit again sometime, so do me a favor and leave the window open this time? Saves time picking the lock.” And Elsword is staring, staring like he was looking at a particularly hard puzzle. He doesn't really know what to think of it; but there is a small joy, a small happiness that he would see the other again.

And as night falls again later that day, Elsword stands in front of his window, leaning on a crutch. His hand twitches, but a only a moment passes before he stands fully and reaches forward to push aside the curtains and open the window.

He knows not what this will accomplish, knows not what exactly he is hoping for. But... but something, was going on with all of this and...

There is chance here, an opportunity. He wants to take it.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Mr. Thief always comes during the night; and always with his ever present scarf covering his face. There is no regularity to his visits, he comes as he pleases. Elsword finds that he isn't all that bothered by it. Sometimes Elsword is awake and watches him enter, others he is awoken; either way the window is always open every night and Elsword looks forward to the visits.

At some point during all the visits, Elsword thinks he has made a friend out of Mr. Thief.

He knows not the others name. Elsword hasn't even given his own name, but they laugh and chat as if they are friends and the feeling of companionship grows with each passing night. Mr. Thief makes him tea too; on those days that Elsword leg really bothers him and he cant find the energy to move. The herbal blend that he gave Elsword smells of fruits and tastes like sunshine. Elsword always feels so warm and relaxed after drinking it. His leg not hurting as much. Though it is funny to watch Mr. Thief use his kitchen in his every present get up.

Elsword finds, as the nights pass, that he really wants to know the face that hides behind the cloth.

Tonight is no exception and the thought makes his hands twitch around the tea cup he his holding. Across the table, a lantern lighting the area, Mr. Thief is watching him; an elbow on the table and head resting in a palm. He never drinks the tea he makes.

“Oh? Something wrong with the tea this time, Mr. Knight?” It is teasing, Elsword knows. The other knows he doesn't make bad tea. What is really being asked is if something is wrong.

Elsword hums; thoughtful and taps his fingers on the wood of the table. He can see Mr. Thief tilt his head to the side in question. Elsword sighs and reaches for the cup.

“Elsword” The knight mutters. He realizes it's too soft and clears his throat. “Elsword.” He says more clearly this time. He lifts he gaze to look at the other, who is staring at him, and smiles. “My name is Elsword.”

Mr. Thief is staring at him; eyes so wide in shock. His shoulders are shaking, actually his whole body is trembling. There is a shuddering breath the other takes before those eyes close. Elsword watches him take another breath, as if calming himself down. His gloved hand hands are gripping the edge of the table so hard that Elsword could see the strain. It's fascinating to watch. Elsword couldn't have imagined this outcome.

Mr. Thief slumps then, and when his gaze rises to meet Elsword's, the knight finds his breath taken away. The ever luminous eyes are so much more bright. They hold such a soft expression, and the little corners are crinkled and Elsword knows the other his smiling.

His guest straitens himself. Elsword feels a lump form in throat. Mr. Thief is moving his hands from the table to the cloth around his face. Elsword is attentive, he wants to soak up every detail. The others hands grip the fabric and with a small tug the cloth falls away.

Short, flaxen, hair cuddles around a strong, sharp jaw. Two tufts of hair, one on each side of his head, have tips that are darker then the rest. Curling around his neck, from the left shoulder, a pony tail peaks out.

When their gazes meet, Elsword has no words. Mr. Thief is smiling so bright, he's almost glowing.

His can't help to think that his guest is incredibly handsome.

“Chung. Call me Chung.” Says his guest.

“Chung.” Elsword tries the name out on his tongue and smiles. No, not smiling, he is grinning. “Nice to meet you.”

Across the table Chung laughs, but he looks so relieved. He tilts his head towards the tea pot and Elsword nods.

They'll finally drink the damn tea together.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----

Later, the sun has risen and Chung his still there. They have moved from the dinning room, to the bedroom. Elsword sets himself among the pillows on his bed and Chung helps him elevate his leg.

“So, I guess I can't go back to chasing you down when this thing heals huh?” Elsword asks, motioning to his leg.

Chung shakes head. “Nope. There's no reason for me to steal anymore.”

Elsword raises a brow. “You make it sound like you only stole to get me to chase you.”

“Hmm. Pretty much.” Chung admits, as he fluffs the pillow under Elsword's leg.

Elsword gapes at Chung.“What?!”

Chung smiles at Elsword and sits on the bed. Leaning back on his hands, gaze turned to the ceiling. “Truth be told. In the beginning I was just bored. You see... I'm... I'm actually a knight of Hamel.”

Elsword eyes practically bug out and he sputters.

“Yeah.” Chung give a slight guilty look. “Specifically, the stealth division. Stealing, I felt would help my skills stay in shape. There's been a bit of a dry spell for my kind of work from the higher ups. And, like I said. I was terribly bored.”

“Hm. Which explains why you never did keep anything.” Elsword states. “You had no use for anything.”

Chung nods.

Elsword sighs. “I guess though, this explains why we could never catch you. You're not the average thief.”

“Yeah, truth be told. I totally expected the knights to just give up and when that happened I would just move onward to the next town but you totally threw a wrench into that plan.” Chung pouted playfully.

Elsword laughs, but he sobers quickly and sighs. “Truth be told. I wanted to give up sometimes.”


“Yeah.” Elsword nods. “But, I guess I couldn't really give up totally. Weather I was having fun, or because it kept me from getting bored... I don't know. I really wanted to catch you though.”

Chung grins. “Aww, but didn't you catch me?”

Elsword stares at him. Thinking.

It's true though. Chung may not have been in jail, but the thief that he always been trying to capture... and he doesn't really know why he wanted to in the first place, is in his house. They are friends and after he was healed could they really go back to that cat and mouse game?

“Huh. I guess I did.” Elsword says, and slumps against the pillows. He can feel his eyes dropping. He is tired.

“But you know Elsword...” Chung trails off.

Chung’s eyes are baring down at him with so much emotion that Elsword stares. His heart hammers. His sleepiness is gone in an instant.

“While I successfully stole all that stuff. I wonder... How much harder do I have to work to steal what I really want?”

Elsword forgets to breath. Is he reading this right? He's been called dense before, he knows, but this... Elsword studies Chung carefully. He can see, even though he's trying to look nonchalant, that Chung’s hands are gripping the blanket tightly. There is a slight furrow in his brow and he is tense all over.

There is silence.

Chung bites his lip and his worry is clear on his face.

Elsword doesn't know what to do. This is new to him. He's sure what he's reading is correct, and truth be told, it reminds him back when he had to make the decision to leave the window open. This was an opportunity. A chance.

But was this an opportunity he wanted to take?

“You...” Elsword starts. Chung snaps his eyes to meet with his. Hanging onto whatever Elsword is about to say.

Elsword chuckles at the action and smiles softly. “You should come earlier than you usually do tomorrow. If my leg feels up to it, we can go out. If not... how does a home dinner sound?”

Chung is practically glowing and a grin so wide on his face, Elsword wonders if his face will split.

“So, a little bit harder, eh?” Chung asks.

Elsword smirks. “Of course. I'm precious after all and heavily guarded. You're gonna need all your skills to capture this gem.”

Chung laughs and outside the clock tower rings.

Chung sobers, but he looks so incredibly happy that it was infectious to the point that Elsword felt a warm feeling in his chest. Chung’s stands when the clock reaches it's final ring and turns to the window.

“You can use the door you know.” Elsword says.

“Nah.” Chung says and he turns, with the cheeky grin that Elsword knows very well. The knight watches Chung come closer and before he can even begin to wonder what the other is up to, Chung leans down and places a kiss to his check. “Leaving this way is more my style.”

Elsword feels his whole face heat up and he glares embarrassingly up at Chung who is smiling softly at him. “See ya tonight.” He says, and is out the window a moment later.

Elsword slumps against the pillows and uses his elbow to cover his eyes. He can feel his cheeks are still red and he huffs.

If he isn't careful... I'll be captured too soon and that's no fun at all.

The thought makes him smile though and he settles himself among the pillow again. His eyes droop again and he knows that this time he's allowed to sleep. He can feel the morning breeze drift in through the window and Elsword chuckles to himself; feeling happy.

In the end I guess I get my thief after all.

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Amaru's Corner: This was just suppose to be a drabble. This was just just suppose to be a drabble. Then it grew legs of its own and ran from me. Oh well. Was fun to write.

elswordxchung, elsword online, fanfic

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