FE Secret Santa! For Talyafera~

Jan 06, 2013 12:03

Title: Quiet Moments. Peace Melody.
Word count: A 5.1k
Fandom: Fire Emblem (9/10)
Characters/Pairing: Ike/Soren
Notes: Truthfully, I had a whole AU planned out for this, but I went through Talyafera's FFN favs (Research! I swear!) and figured that she would like something a bit more cannon. Takes place during the Path of Radiance timeline. So, yes, spoilers.

Quite Moments. Peace Melody.
Life during peaceful times has a steady rhythm. The rise and fall of soft notes that filled the days with warm sun, fresh air, and gentle breezes. The kind of melody that made it easy to fall into routine. Wake up, train, do chores, train some more, and so on and so forth.

No one noticed when the notes began to falter. An incongruity that was subtle at first. Increased bandit attacks and pirates with more requests coming in for general protection, but no one paid it any mind. Why would they when it put more coin into their fiances? Something that was constantly short and in constant need, so the increase in work was very well received. Thus the faltering notes continued to falter, and falter, and falter to the point where those soft notes fell into a deep and darkening melody.

Soren had came back with news of war.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----
With war came loss. It was inevitable. It could have been anyone really. Everyday you live you're that much closer to dying. Whether it be from natural causes or by the sword, that's how it was. Being a mercenary was no different. They could have blamed it on Fate, but it was the war and the Black Knight that was blamed. They are the ones that took Greil.

Ike was told to forget it and live in peace. That revenge wasn't the answer. It was Greil's, his father's, dying words; But the company had a job to do and mercenaries were bound by their jobs. Either by revenge or helping the princess win Crimea back, the black knight would fall by his hand. Ike would make sure of it.

From there on everything fell into discord. It left a hum in the air; an annoying string of notes that felt like a fly buzzing in the ear. Almost simple white noise, but instead of blocking it out didn't go away. Things began to blur together with the constant irritant, and all things withstanding Ike trudged on.

Ike took his father's place as commander and with it his responsibilities. It was overwhelming. Being Commander was something he hadn't time to learn properly and instead had to learn little by little. It was a wonder there was ever a quite moment with everything he had to do and learn. Even tonight when the fighting was over and done with, people already tucked in and sleeping, he couldn't seem to rest his brain. The scratching quill against the paper was of little comfort, but at least it kept his thoughts off other things, if only a bit.

There was a knock at the door before it opened. Soren didn't care for manners and Ike would have excused him anyway. Soren stood by the door with his hand still on the knob and dressed in what he wore for pajamas. His, seemingly permanent, petulant frown on his face. However, Ike could see the crease between the eyebrows.

“Can't sleep?” Ike asked.

There was a pause as Soren gave him a hard look. “I was asleep. You, however... Your eye is twitching again.”

A wince. Guilty as charged. “Well...” Ike trailed off and looked down at the paperwork he was working on with a frown. Too much was going on in his brain. It usually didn't take him this long to finish. A known fact or Soren wouldn't be worried about him staying up late. Something not said out loud, but Ike knew.

There was the sound of cloth rustling and the creak of the door. Ike lifted his gaze to see Soren shutting the door behind him and latching it by pushing it closed behind him with his foot.

“Make room. I shall help you finish and then you can go to sleep.” He said.

Ike wanted to decline. Wanted Soren to forget it and go back to sleep. Soren had already done his own paperwork for today and didn't need to pick up Ike's slack like the last time this happened. Well, actually, Soren finished everything off by himself and Ike didn't want that happening again, so really, it was best if Soren helped. But, but...

Soren had already moved the almost burnt out candle, moved the extra chair to the desk, and moved the ink-well to a spot they both could reach. There was no point in telling him no now. Soren sat down, quill at the ready, and had the sound of quill scratching fill the room in no time. Ike took a moment to close his eyes and let in all soak in.

“Thank you.” Ike said and opened his eyes to settle on Soren. “Really. Thank you.”

“You're welcome” Soren said simply. But, his gazed flickered over to Ike and a twitch of his lips lifted them upward before his gaze settled back on the page before him.

There was something about this moment Ike noticed. Something... Well, he really didn't know. Maybe it was the low candle light, maybe it was the sound of twin quills on paper, or maybe it was just something about Soren being there with him and....

Ike thought of days when he and Soren would work in the library together. A warm breeze from an open window and the smell of dusty old books.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----
The sun rose, fell, and continued with its cycle as the war dragged on. The discord that came with it was pushed aside into the back of his mind. Though, from time to time, things would make it come to front. Little things that would make his thoughts swirl until he just pushed them aside too. Everything was much simpler before all of this.

Like Soren. Something was bothering him, Ike knew. He noticed it when they were at the village they departed from to make their way to Begnion. Now, a couple of days later after the whole reef episode, Soren had been scarcely seen. He was use to Soren sulking in room at the fort, use to him being a loner, this however... was something else. Ike couldn't explain what exactly, but it worried him. He hadn't showed up at meal this time either and, after finishing his own meal, Ike left the others in the mess hall to go find Soren.

Except that Soren wasn't in his room.

This made Ike frown. He wouldn't be with the cargo, so... the deck? Everyone would be in the mess hall, or their own room, so it was a good bet. Sure enough, when Ike made it up to the deck Soren was there. Leaning against the rail with his elbows, forearms folded onto each other in front of him, he looked out onto the horizon with a far away look in his eyes.


Soren jerk a little. Surprised, caught with his guard down, and turned with an almost accusing tone. “Ike?”

“You weren't there at meal time. Again.” Ike joined him at the rail, leaning against it with puzzlement and concern on his face. “What's wrong? You've been like this for several days now.”

There was silence. Soren's frown only deepened as he gripped at his arms. Ike swept his gaze over Soren before sighing, more like a puff of air really, and bumped his shoulder into Soren's own.

“Don't worry about it. You'll tell me when you're ready.”

Soren sighed and then ran a hand through his hair, only to get irritated when it caught the bands. He let his hand fall back onto the rail with a sigh. “Sorry.”

Ike only let out a hum and left it at that.

A moment passed and the silence between the two stretched. The wind beat against the sails and the waves lapped against the boat. The sun was setting on the horizon, setting the water on fire and making it glitter. Overhead some seagulls cried out and through it all Ike only found a strange peace.

“It's always so quiet when you're around” Ike murmured absently.


“Hm, nothing.”

Soren shot him a puzzled look. Something Ike felt, as his attention was still on the horizon, but pulled his gaze away to offer Soren a tiny smile. Soren just looked confused, and lingered on Ike for a moment before his expression fell back into it's default passive and turned his attention back out onto the horizon. Ike would have too, but found himself looking at Soren. Just looking, studying him, and he couldn't explain it...

A tree out in the training grounds, Soren's attention on a book while resting under the shade, and a setting sun.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Begnion was... something else. The towering cathedrals and temples were things he thought of in only fantasy. They were nothing like the structures one would see back in Crimea for sure, but the people... Well, they could certainly use an attitude adjustment. He was not impressed. Then again, if it was up to him, he wouldn't deal with nobles.

Even if he was one now.

The thought made Ike grimace every time it came to mind; a twisting in his gut that made him sick. He didn't want it, but that's what he is now. Lord Ike. A title to have just to make him the general of the Crimean Liberation Army. Then again he didn't want to that either, but, as it may be, for now he just had to deal with it to make sure he saw all this to its end.

With the win of Begnion's support that end didn't seem too far off. He could have gone without the Apostle jerking them around like that though; and he didn't want another episode of what happened in the forest. It was probably the most annoying thing yet. Afterwards, their march toward Daein started.

The border that lead into Daein was in sight now. The wall that separated the land was towering in the horizon with it's foreboding presence. Now, with night falling, it was a good time to stop and rest. Plus the starting of snow in the distance was a sign that they would be trekking in it tomorrow. That was always fun, walking around with heavy boots and damp clothes. With a lingering look on the horizon, Ike went to set up his tent.

The amount of tents in the campground were far larger than what use to be. With so many people it was understandable. Sometimes Ike had trouble finding people, especially if he wanted some company. Mist was usually with Jill or the other girls. It was nice that Mist was making friends outside the company, other females besides Titania, but they tended to talk about stuff he had no interest in. There were others he could find instead, but even then they tended to have others in company and Ike just wanted some peace and quiet, but not be by himself. There was only one person perfect for that and he was never too far away.

Sure enough, Soren really wasn't all that far away. Ike only had to walk a short distance and found him kneeling on the ground with a length of rope in his hands trying to tie down a corner of his tent. He was scowling; looking down at the tent stake like it was a certain annoyance. He twined the roped around it once, twice, and a third time, only to have it slip before he could knot it.

Boots crunching in the dirt, Ike knelt beside him and took the rope from Sorens' hands. “Here, let me.”

Soren merely huffed and watched Ike twine the rope around the stake and tie it off in one fluid motion. When they stood Ike pressed the stake into the ground with the heal of his boot and then brushed the dirt off his hands. “That should do it.”

“Thank you, Ike” Soren said, brushing the dirt and leaves that accrued on his robe. He paused then, gave Ike a glance, and asked “Are you staying?”

“Hmmmm, yeah. If you don't mind.”

“No. Of course not.”

A small table, a couple of crates, and a bed roll was all that was found in Soren's tent. Pretty sparse, but typical of Soren. Ike felt a bit of a smile tug at his lips as he made himself comfortable on the floor near the table. There was a sigh of relief from him as he leaned back on his hands and stretched his legs out.

“Feels good to finally get off my feet.” Ike said. It really was. They'd been marching all day.

There was a hum from behind him. Ike couldn't tell if it was of agreement or not, but looked over at Soren to find him going through a crate. The sound of shuffling things around and the mage brought out a small lamp and a pack of matches. Striking a match, the smell of sulfur lingering for a short second, the lamp was lit and placed on the table.

“Was there something you wanted to speak to me about?” Soren asked. He waved the match out and sat down with his legs folding underneath him, hands on top of one another on the table.

Ike thought for a moment. There was and then there wasn't. The conversation about Soren's past comes to mind, but Soren had clammed up after the conversation and Ike was still wrapping his head around the details he was told. Growing up with Soren, he never wondered about the boy's past. Surely Soren had been doing something before he joined the mercenaries, but Ike was young and just never wondered. He never imagined it would be something like that though.

“No.” Ike said finally. There was a shift and Ike laid down on his back with his hands coming up to rest behind his head, ankles crossed and turned to look at Soren with a small smile on his lips.“I just wanted you near. It's quiet when you are.”

Soren's eyes widen just a fraction. “You...” He paused, expression turning into one of puzzlement. “You have said that before. What do you mean by it?”

“I have?” Ike found himself surprised.

“Yes. You said the same thing in passing when we were on the boat to Begnion.”

“Oh! Right. Well...” Ike made a gesture in the air. “All of this. This war. It's just so... noisy. You know how when it's deathly silent there's this ringing in your ears? It's like that but more annoying. I've learned to ignore it now, but when I'm with you it's...” Ike trailed off.

Like the smell of fresh morning dew, of setting suns after long days, and warm breezes. A melody in the air.

“Peace.” Ike said. “With you near, it's like peace.”

“Ah... I... I see.” Soren looked a little hesitant, almost like he wanted to say something else, but his gaze dropped to look at his hands with a perplexed expression.

Ike waited and just let himself relax. He was use to Soren thinking; he was always thinking. If Soren decided to say anything... well that was a toss up. Most of the time he didn’t or just dropped the conversation with an “It's nothing”. So Ike just let the silence stretch.

Ike couldn't remember what he was thinking. Idle thoughts, the kind that came and left as quick as they came. He also didn't know when his eyes closed. Maybe he had already done some sleeping, but the next coherent thing he remembered was Soren putting a blanket over him.

“I haven't removed my boots.” Ike murmured.

“Well, remove them then.” Soren said. He had removed his outer robe and was pulling it over him as he laid down on his bed roll.

“Hmm. Sorry to steal your blanket. I'll bring my own next time.” Ike pulled off a boot.

A pause. Ike could feel Soren staring at him.“That.. would probably be best.” He said.

Again there was silence. Ike heard Soren shift, probably settling down, and pulled off his other boot. He also pulled off his shoulder guard, cape, and belts. Using his cape as a makeshift pillow he laid back down with a sigh and dropping eyelids.

“Night, Soren.”

“Good night, Ike.”

There was the sound of shuffling, a blown breath, and then the lamp was out.

Tomorrow they would march into Daein and Ike knew that this was only the calm before the storm. Daein was the start of this horrible war and they wouldn't go down without a fight. Despite that he felt everything would work out one way or another. They'd gotten this far with odds standing against them. Ike let a little smile tug at his lips as his gaze swept over to Soren. Hadn't Soren's bet been on Daein in the beginning? Ike let his eyelids close with the closing thought of being very grateful that Soren stuck around. What would he do without him?

Outside the wind blew, rustling up leaves that crackled throughout the campground.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Calm before the storm indeed; and with the storm came new notes that added to the discord. Thoughts and the concept of time began to blur together again.

All those months ago,when Volke came to him with information from his father, Ike didn't know what he was expecting. Maybe some intel on the war? It would have been moot by now though but still... Nothing could have prepared him for what Volke did finally tell him. If the discord resulting from Greil's death made his thoughts whirl, then the dissonance resulting from learning what it was that his father had kept from him made his thoughts swarm. Things he thought he had but behind him came unbidden to the front of his mind. Thoughts that kept him up all night. Soren noticed, Ike knew he did, but never said anything out right. Soren had his own worries locked inside, perhaps that why he never addressed it. Ike didn't have time to stop and stew about it.

Things only continued to get worse.

His mother's medallion was stolen. They never did find it or figured how it disappeared. Combined with the information of what it could do, it was another mark on Ike's already heavy thoughts. When they had reached the keep that served as Daein's capital, Ashnard hadn't been there. Ike wanted to stab something, but was the one who got stabbed. Nasir had betrayed them all, he had been on Dain's side. Ike had never seen it coming. Well, Soren did call him out on his naive attitude. Maybe he was.

Marching after Ashnard they left Daein and onward to home soil. Once leaving that accursed land there was a uplifting in the air. They were going home to end this and the thought was a relief to everyone. Ike, too, felt a little weight being lifted from his mind. As they grew nearer and nearer to Crimea Ike felt a resolve form in his mind.

Ike told them everything that Volke had. They were all was surprised. Mist and Titania took it the hardest. He couldn't blame them. Ike, though, felt a lightness in his chest. Telling them had lifted a weight. Maybe it was time to admit that those thoughts had been bothering him more than he let on; an admittance he would only tell himself.

With a clear head and his own troubles lifted, Ike thought it was time to address something else that had been on his mind. Namely Soren.

Thus, the next time the army set up camp, he drew Soren away from setting up his tent and sat him down in his own.

“I want you to tell me everything.” Ike said. Because he remembered the stricken look on Sorens face after the fight with Petrine. Whatever was said between the two Ike didn't know, but it had struck Soren hard. After that, from time to time, Ike would see Soren lost in thought, face scrunched up like that time back in Begnion.

Soren froze; tensing up till he was rigid like a fence post. An exhaled breath and he was glaring at Ike. “You...”

Then Sorens' eyes became a bit glassy. Ike felt himself tense. He could barely handle it when Mist cried and she was his sister. If Soren started crying he really would be thrown for a loop. Instead Soren just slumped a bit forward, a hand on his forehead and started talking.

“You're so weird.” Ike said after all that was said and done. He brushed his thumb over the mark on Soren's forehead.

Soren scowled and brushed Ike's hand away. Ike let it drop to his side. There was a pause, Soren's eyes flickering form Ike's face to the ground, a frown on his face. “There...” Soren said after a moment. Eyes finally settling on Ike. “There was a part of me that knew it was silly. That there was no reason for you to turn me away but I... I...” Soren got a pained look on his face.

Ike slipped a hand into Soren's, an impulsive gesture to comfort, and gave it a firm squeeze. “It's okay.”

Soren was doing that staring thing at him again. Well, not at him, but at their hands. Then Soren let out a sigh, like he was exhausted, but his hand was squeezing back just as firm. Ike felt oddly happy with the gesture.

“Thank you.” Soren said it like there was syrup or something else thick in his throat, but there was a small smile on his lips.

Ike replied with a smile. Then there was a shift, Soren readjusting himself on the floor, and their clasped hands fell away. Ike's hand twitch at the lost. Even with the cooling night time air settling in, there lingered a warmth on it. It gave Ike pause as he examined his hand. Soren's hand was tiny compared to his, but the weight of it was sure and strong against his. Nothing like what it was when they were kids, when Soren's held a grip close to desperation. He kinda wanted to hold Soren's hand again.

That train of thought came unbidden. It made Ike surprised, but he had little time to examine it right then when the moment was broken by his stomach.

Soren raised a brow at him, looking slightly amused, and stood. “ Not only have we not eaten, I never finished setting up my tent.” Ike didn't say anything. The silence made Soren puzzled, and as he looked over at Ike and found him with his head slightly tilted, studying him and not paying attention to his stomach. He raised a brow. “Ike?”

“Just thinking.” Ike said and then pushed himself up to stand. “Sorry about your tent though. You can sleep here tonight. Problem solved.”

“...Alright. I shall get my things when we finish eating.”

They left the tent together. Around the fire-pit several others were gathered around; late comers like themselves. Oscar was there, stirring a huge pot with languid strokes. When he noticed them he laughed. Saying something along the lines about how he was getting worried, but Ike hadn't paid attention. There was a spoon in his mouth by the time the bowl hit his fingers.

After eating Ike was content to just sit around and enjoy the warmth the fire brought. Well, what little of it there was. The embers had dulled to a soft orange by now. He and Soren were the only ones around, the others gone off to do other things. It was late, they should have been settling down to sleep, but Ike couldn't find it in himself to move quite yet. Having Soren sitting beside him gave off a warmth that was reminiscent of the warmth when he held Soren's hand. A warmth he didn't want to go away.

When the sun rose the next day, the smell of fresh dew on the grass, and Soren sleeping not all that far away...

It was the start of a beat long missed.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----
The Black Knight had fallen to Ike's blade. A feat that was much overdue and with it done and over Ike was ready to leave the event behind him.

That night was the first time in ages that he slept so soundly.

When Ike had stepped out of his tent the next morning he winced. The light had hurt his eye, but in his chest he felt a swelling. Everything was just so much brighter. Even peoples faces were when he came to get breakfast.

With the fall of The Black Knight, the only thing that stood in the way of ending the war was Ashnard. When the army had finished making all the necessary preparation, they set out to finally end it.

It had been the most grueling fight yet; but that came as no surprise. When Ashnard had finally fallen he had a smile on his lips, as if death was of no concern. It was chilling to see him. Even more so to listen to him laugh, little specs of blood flickering on the ground from his mouth, as he continued to bleed out. The laughter died out however and the light of life left his eyes.

Ashnard was dead.

For that moment everything was silent. A tenseness in the air that had everyone holding their breath, almost expecting the mad king to rise. The mad king, however did not rise and in the next moment sound erupted. People cheered and the relief rose up like a wind rising into a storm. It was deafing, and Ike too let out his sigh of relief.

Shortly after the mercenaries returned home to the fort.

With the country in such a state there's a lot of work to do with rebuilding and for the first couple of months everyone would be busy with such. Even the fort had is share of fixing up it needed. Soren got straight to work with managing what needed what and how much it would cost. With Soren distracted this gave Ike some time to think.

The war had given Ike a bit of a push, a little bit of light on a subject that he hadn't bothered about before.

The war had been chaotic on his thoughts, a big blur and in those moment of clarity Soren was right there. Though it had always been Soren, hadn't it? Even before the war started Soren was just always there.

These days, however, Soren had been giving him looks and sometimes, in quiet moments he looked as if to say something, but never did. Ike's gut was telling him something though, and it even made him pause. Because with Soren, one could never be totally sure and he really didn't want to mess this up. But, one way to be sure was to just go ahead and find out.

Opportunity came on a town day. Most had plans to go, and as Ike watched the last of them leave from the training fields, he made his way into the fort. Clearing the sweat off himself, and trying to make himself a bit more presentable, he went to go find Soren.

Soren was to be found in the forts study, sitting at his desk with the quill moving steadily, a look of scrutiny on his face. Off to the side the window was open, a gentle breeze blowing about and soft sunlight that gave the room a bit of a glow.

When Ike came in, Soren looked over at him with a raised brow. “You aren't going into town with the others?” He asked.

Ike shrugged. “Nah. Besides there's something I want to talk to you about.”

That made Soren pause. “I see...” Soren straitened what he was working on and then placed his quill down. “Well, what is it?”

All of a sudden Ike was a little wary, a little unsure, but there was just something screaming at him that he wasn't wrong, but... He felt himself frown. Then he scratched the back of his head. “So, um...” There was a silence and Ike could tell that Soren was waiting on him. Ike sighed then and let his hand fall back to his side. A piercing look fixed on the mage then, a look that had Soren visibly be taken aback.

Ike moved forward. A stride with purpose, with intent.

And when he reached the desk, he asked: “Do you remember what you said to me? That day we won the war?”

Soren inhaled sharply, eyes flickering with a bit of alarm, and swallowed. “That... that the only place for me to be is... by your side.”

Ike smiled. “Yeah. And I was thinking....”

In one swift movement Ike leaned over and placed a kiss on Sorens cheek.

When Ike had pulled back he instantly noticed that Soren had tensed up; ridged like a brick wall. Soren's hands found one another and were gripping so hard that the tips were turning bright red. Ike lay his hands on top of them to assure him.

“Soren. I would like for you to continue to do that. And... well, maybe and a bit more. If you want.”

Because it had always been Soren. Only Soren.

Underneath Ike's hands, Soren's twitched. Then they were gripping at Ike's, almost desperate and when Soren met his gaze, he was biting his lip, eyes alight with hope.

“You are sure? Really?” Soren asked.

Ike gave Soren's hands a gentle squeeze, eyes soft and gentle smile. “Yeah.”

With just that word Soren's tension drained away like water. He let out a relieved breath, body slumping, eyes closed. When he opened them he looked at Ike, a small smile on his lips. Then, using the desk as leverage, he was surging forward. Ike only had time to blink when Soren's lips found his in a proper kiss.

Ike chuckled into it, hands moving onto the small of Soren's back to bring him closer. Soren's fingers traveled up to wrap themselves Ike's neck. Ike wasn't one for words, that was more Soren's thing, but kissing Soren was nice. Really nice.

When they had pulled away, Soren still had a bit of disbelief in his eyes, but he was smiling and Ike was too. They would figure it out, the both of them. Ike would be Ike, and Soren would be Soren, doing the things they usually did.

Peace has a steady rhythm. The rise and fall of soft notes that filled the days with warm sun, fresh air, and gentle breezes. The melody, however, has long since changed; but with Soren right there at his side, Ike didn't mind.

This were how things should be. That, he was sure of.

----- ----- -End- ----- -----

Amaru's Corner: This was a lot of fun! Usually I don't do cannon type stuff. AUs are much more preferred, but the challenge this gave me made it worth it! This was also a new type of style for me. I tried to make the advancement in their relationship subtle. Something Ike had to feel and figure out for himself. If I succeeded or not... Well, that's really up to whoever reads this.

Anyway! As this was written for a Christmas exchange, Happy Holidays Talyafera! I hope they were good for you. :)

fe9/10, ike/soren, fanfic

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