Feb 04, 2007 23:58
I got all the homework I set out to do today done. Sweet. I'm really proud of the baby toys I created for Product Design with Fabric. That's the name of the class I've invented, for my independent study. When I get pics, I'll try to upload them.
I'm finally talking to KC now!! I still feel like crap cause I haven't been their for some of my really close friends, in the past several months, like KC, MEW, and Becca. But KC reassured me and said she had the same problem in college too. College is hard. So it's a bit better.
I'm in a much better mood now though. It's putting me in a great mood to talk to KC. I need to send her pics...
The Super Bowl was today. We had it on in the background, while working, mainly for the ads. Tomorrow we go to see Como Park again. We're meeting someone to show us the place more up close.
Oh yeah...Noel and I spent an hour today, scraping ice off the windows. It's sorta -12 degrees...but the wind hasn't stopped blowing for days, so it's actually, technically -25 degrees with that wind chill. Yeah...it's really fucking cold.