May 18, 2007 21:09
I was reading the newspaper just now and guess what I saw: KINOKUNIYA MEMBERS ONLY SALE! WHOO~ :D the long awaited 20% discount! I am planning to grab a book(either the one about Taj Mahal or Kokoro) and my japanese magazineee! Omg, I miss my kino so much & can't wait for tomorrow. Probably going to go with Teng, who can make it only at 3.30PM. I don't want my magazine to be snatched away again, just like the previous time :( Hmm, maybe I'll go rush and get my magazine first before Teng arrive. HEHHEHE :D
Okaaay, I am like kind of irritated by the speed of my laptop. It's like super slow, the taskbar is like not even working! It's JAMMED. Damn it, I hate it when the program jams. I makes my computing life so inefficient. >:(
My mom just had to make me feel even more unhappy when she told me that she got me a few size S shirts. I mean like what the hell right?! ME, WEARING SIZE S? LIKE, ARE YOU KIDDING? It's like trying to squeeze an elephant in a peanut shell! And she purposely had to wear the shirt(s) in front of me saying "SEE, I can wear it." Well, maybe I should take it as a compliment instead. Hah. But anyway, she got a pair of sandals from GUESS, so I guess it's neutralised.. nearly.
I'm so so so apologetic that I did not update for like ages(like as if anyone cares). The exams had forced me into the hiatus mode.. and apparently I did not do well for my exams. I was told that my name was mentioned and highlighted during the level meeting because of my results. Shit, I am so worried. I don't know how to tell me parents this.. maybe I should drop A Math and take it like at A levels, but it won't be wise for me to do so. Oh crap, why did I land myself in this vicious cycle again? Procrastinating is so totally much worse than smoking :(
Oh, before I bid goodbye for now I shall inform you all that maybe I'll reopen my itswrittendown@blogspot in June. The cbox is totally screwed now(an advertisement dumping ground, actually) so I'll be installing a new one by the time I reopen the blog. I'll still use LJ, so don't worry! :D The communities here are nice! Yeeep, so till the next time I update, goodnight!
P.S: I'll be customize my this layout in June too! Busy at the moment, due to Chinese O's.