Jan 20, 2010 08:38
I'm easing my way slowly back into P90x. Which is to say, I'm going for half-workouts and seeing how much they wipe me out. Last Saturday's first attempt left my arms like pain-emanating noodles, and I only got halfway through -- the broad variations on pushups and pullups left me wincing for days. Same with Sunday, though somewhat less so. I dove back into it this morning, though, with a half-workout again, and though it was rough I was able to make some progress. It gives me a little bit of hope regarding my potential, at least. *eyeroll*
Um, um, um... nothing else major. Got whacked by the bad-luck-stick in the deep-stack Rockingham tourney on Monday and didn't make it more than two hours. Work's pretty much the usual grind.
I want to jump on some groups/activities sites and see what potentially social hobbies I might engage in. I was on a cooking list last year, but they kept holding things in Boston at 6 pm on weekday nights for what amounted to ridiculously high prices ($50+ for a two-hour cooking/teaching session that I can't get to because of work schedules and distance? pass) and then got a message shortly before New Year's that I was being cut from the group/distribution list for "non-participation". *scowl* Hopefully I can find something that isn't so bad schedule-wise.
Which reminds me, I faxed in a volunteer sheet for the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity. I can't really work weekdays, what with having a full-time job, but I hope to be able to work at least some weekends.
Off to the daily grind of income-generating work.
real life