Idle contemplations of writing.

Apr 16, 2009 08:24

I feel like I haven't written fanfic or attempted original fiction in a looooong while. One idea I had in mind during BSG was backstory on Felix Gaeta, following the theory of good writing that every villain is a hero in his own mind. It's by no means close to done yet, but... a scrap. I think I wrote this something like two months back and haven't gotten back to it since.

In the summer of his seventh year, he spends weeks designing and building a castle out of sugar cubes and frosting. It’s a fortification the likes of which he’s sure no one ever matched, with ramparts and bastions and a massive central tower from which all can be overseen and commanded. It is a place where heroes and villains might vie for control, where the actions of brave knights and evil viziers could determine the fates of thousands of commoners, where duels and tourneys and intrigue turn the course of history for better or worse.

His father is not amused by the lack of sweetener for his tea, but sees in the boy’s precise symmetries and discipline a future beyond the factory he’s worked in all his life.

And then I've got the weird hurricane-curse fic idea. *headdesk* Which, really, I should just buy a big bulletin board for to put up notes and plot thoughts on. Not that I feel like I have time or motivation to write anything coherent these days, but... *eyeroll*

writing, bsg

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