"Watch Him As He Goes". (Doctor Horrible fanfic, PG.)

Jul 20, 2008 20:49

*ahem* Joss Whedon... is a bastard. He's like an abusive bad boyfriend who you know is just going to rip your heart out and stomp on it, telling you it's what you need to see, and yet we all keep opening the door and letting him back in ( Read more... )

writing, doctor horrible, fic

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Comments 49

hermionesviolin July 21 2008, 01:54:34 UTC
You gave her an arc reactor! Which I called as soon as she said there was light in her chest, but I wasn't certain until "arc-light technology." And you even give her a suit. Oh god, "Iron Maiden."

And I really like, "I’ve never tried to be any kind of superhero before. Neither of us has. For me that was because I couldn’t see how working within the system, being any kind of normal “hero”, was going to change the things that were terribly wrong with the system itself. But maybe a hero can change things without being a tool of the system, without being corrupted into idiocy and egomania and stupid propaganda."


kurukami July 21 2008, 02:55:30 UTC
I couldn't resist the tie-ins, particularly with death-ray shrapnel in her chest. Plus I thought it gave them a great reason to not only be together at first but stay together as well.

Some things I plan for in fic, and some of them just come out from wherever inspiration comes from. That closing blog bit was definitely mysterious inspiration. I'm very glad it came out as well as it did. And thanks! : )


bastardsnow July 21 2008, 02:01:12 UTC
Wow. Very nice indeed, sir. I like it. I like it a lot.


butterflykiki July 21 2008, 02:12:05 UTC
*gleeeeeees* A lot. Yes. I like this version muchly, can see it working.

It needs a song! Possibly a duet! And a fighting song! heee.


helenkacan July 21 2008, 02:17:37 UTC
I liked it.
But should I be worried if you start writing the musical score as well?

//fading cackles of evil laughter//

Of course, only silly hugs,


kurukami July 21 2008, 02:36:46 UTC
Hah! No risk of that; I can't write song lyrics worth a damn. Although I have a half-decent singing voice, mostly unused since high school choirs... *grin*


fiareynne July 21 2008, 02:26:44 UTC
I am such a dork, I squeed that you didn't ignore Moist.


kurukami July 21 2008, 02:37:29 UTC
Well, I couldn't! He's practically the only contact Horrible has with the outside world aside from Penny, he totally had to be mentioned. : )


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