there's a light at the end of this tunnel...

Dec 13, 2011 18:45

My last final is tomorrow morning, and I'm ecstatic about the prospect of having some creative time all to myself again.

Not only is the idea of being able to start working on The Harder They Come pretty enticing, but I have a whole bunch of ideas that I'm incredibly excited about getting down. Why is it that there's a positive correlation with real life stress and creative ideas? I always enjoy being smacked in the head with a seedling or two, but it's not very conducive to being productive when I'm attempting to study for Chemistry or review the works we read in British Literature this semester.

Still, I suppose I can't complain.

I've created a few new fandom tags to commemorate some of these new ideas because Battlestar Galactica (damn you, Felix Gaeta), Boss, Covert Affairs and the Batman comics have piqued my writerly interests.... As in most of my fandom-of-choice cases, this has more to do with minor characters that I like and want to explore and give a happy ending to (or conversely, torture). So if you guys are interested in any of these fandoms, you can expect a fic or two (or more) about them. If not, I have plenty of Pokémon ideas and prompts left, and the compulsion to get them down is as strong as ever.

Also, I want to take this opportunity to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, lark!!! I wanted to have a fic ready by tonight, but finals have eaten my life.... Still, I promise that I'll have one ready soon (and that goes for all fic requesters too)!

Well, it's back to studying for my finals now. I have one at 8:00 EST tonight, so think good thoughts!

*thoughts, *updates

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