(no subject)

Mar 09, 2005 19:27

March 5, 2005


We have reached another milestone and gone over a hurdle in our evolutionary process. As this process is on-going and differs from individual to individual, some will find themselves in one place and some in another.

The "first wavers" or those who have been experiencing the ascension process for the longest, will then, experience this very "New" place first, but know that it will snowball and eventually capture everyone who has chosen to reach the higher realms in the physical.

The steps are divinely orchestrated by all ; the non-physical beings of the higher realms, the planets and by us, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. All energy is connected and is one. Currently, the New "layers" are being formed, as there is always order in the universe.

There will be a hierarchy of ascension. With this current opportunity for some to "reside" in the higher realms, there will be, then, some who are at one "level" of vibration or in one dimension, some who are in between (in transition), and some who have not yet begun their process.

Energetically, those at "higher" vibrating levels will be able to access the "lower" vibrating levels, but those at lower levels will not have access to the higher levels until they begin vibrating at that level. This is how it has always been in the universe. This is just a part of the universal order of vibration and dimensions.

Being that this exciting and monumental process of ascension in the physical body by the masses has never been experienced before, the "planning" is, in a sense, unique.

This "division" is manifesting in form as a sudden and abrupt separation from people, places and situations that are not vibrating as you are. This has always been the case, but now in this much higher vibration, doors have been slammed shut with no access. This is all a completely natural process of energy and know as well, that all will eventually end up in the same place.

And also know that who arrives "first" is not according to worth, deservability, or who is the most spiritual. These decisions were made at a soul level before we infused our energy into these current physical forms.

These decisions, as well, have much to do with our pre-planned purpose for our role in the New World and depend, then, upon where and when our role will be utilized. In addition, there is also a bit of "wiggle room" as far as how each of us has used the opportunities presented to us for growth and expansion along our ascension path.

What are some of the earmarks of this New dimension some of us are finding ourselves in?

There is no concern about "money" as we know with no room for doubt that all our needs will always be met. There are no agendas and there is no planning. There are no actions needed to accomplish anything. There is no "time". There are no responsibilities. There is no being too busy. Everything is direct and a one-step process. No more "learning". No "saving" anything or anyone, no meddling in the process of others, no resistance to the lower vibrations, as they do not exist here. And no intentional practices of spirituality, as we ARE spiritual and do not need to talk about it, tap into it, or hold a gathering regarding it!

At even higher levels, it will become beautifully clear that we make everything up, and thus, everything is an illusion of our making. We had become caught in our own illusions.

I suppose the list could continue on, but basically, we have spent notably the last four years re-aligning, cleansing and adjusting to live in these higher ways. It is all about being and creating with no worries or concerns. Health is greatly improved. Everything is in the moment. Access and communication with higher dimensional beings is a way of life. And CREATING is predominant.

As the lines have been drawn, so to speak, those in the higher dimensions will be traveling back and forth, as they intentionally lower their vibrations in order to assist those who are at other levels. Then, they have the option of "returning" to the higher levels whenever they chose.

This is the process we are remembering again now. As we have gained more and more zero tolerance for the lower vibrations, this has given us the desire to leave all that behind and REALLY LET GO and be WILLING to jump up to the higher realms. We must be willing to let go of all attachments, and finding them unbearable is an important step and impetus.

Just by putting out our intent that we no longer want to be here, will place us somewhere else. Part of this process also involves, of course, creating the New. More and more of us are creating sacred space in our homes. These spaces will be the beginning of the New World and are most assuredly in the higher realms.

Our neighbors may no longer be able to see us then, if they are vibrating differently. I have found that when I walk into my house, it feels as if I am in another world. If I chose to communicate with the outside world, or my neighbors, then I find myself dropping down into their world and playing a game of interacting at another level. We will become masters at navigating the dimensions.

In these higher realms, like energy will connect with like energy as never before. And know that through our intention, we can easily and immediately connect with those in other dimensions; star beings and those who have crossed over through the process of physical death. We are now where they are, and here, we need just summon them and they will appear.

In a sense, it is a grand reunion of sorts. And as each of us begin to accelerate their ascension process through the inroads made by others, we will experience a wonderful unity along with total freedom to create, play and experience.

My grandchildren are currently visiting me from out-of-state. What amazing creatures these little ones are. And there is even an evolutionary change from age four years to age nine months! Our littlest one, Simeon, is totally direct in his energy and highly sensitive. He wants to experience EVERYTHING. And he is in his power. He knows no other way. It is so exciting to see him in action, as he reflects so clearly how our New schools will need to be.

They will so need to be adjusted for these New little ones! Very experiential and quick. Energy in, energy out. These babies are so connected and table ready to live in and create the New World. They already get it. They do not understand taking the "long way" around and not being totally clear and simple. We have so much that we needed to "undo"! This influx of new babies being born is a big indication that they are ready and here for an exciting New World to unfold at last.

The coast is clear. It is finally "safe" for them to arrive in droves. The original Earth is about to become unveiled again and it is arriving with an incredible force and "eruption" that cannot be stopped. And from this original blueprint, we will get to create an even Newer and unique planet than ever before. Wheeeeeeeeee!

Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to make your unique and special contibution through your passion and joy?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


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