
Mar 27, 2006 20:00

Hey there. Wow, haven't updated in a damn while. Oh well, I'm updating now... soo lots of new things. Some good, some not. I tried living with Rome for 10 weeks, but ended up missing my house. Bad move on my part... kind of. It has it's ups, yet it has it's downs as well. Guess it kind of evens itself out, huh. Life can be crazy. Can't believe I'm turning 19 in 4 months. Just doesn't make sense. I don't feel 19. Maybe I will when it's August. I have my driver's permit. I'm getting my license soon. Yeah I know, late bloomer. Don't give a fuck nigga. Sheeit, at least I'll be driving real soon. Look out for me ;-) We don't have Comcast internet anymore. Now we have PeoplePC online, and shit's slow as a mother fucker. In fact, I'm typing this up in Notepad :-) LJ's still loading haha. It's 7:38PM now... ain't shit to do. My cell, yet again, is fucked up. So yeah, gotta get a new one soon. Lots of stuff to do in the next couple of months... get glasses (can't see for shit)-hate glasses though-get some more BC, clean my fucked up room, get my license, get a job, move... lots of stuff. Yeah, we're probably moving soon. In a fucking house, finally. Either 2-3 bdrm's.. and a basement is a must. Can't wait. Still be in RO prolly. Grreat. Awesome city..... NOT. Hahahha. City sucks dick. I need to save up money to move with my boo's. Our own apartment. Can't wait. Teehe. I need money. Will you give me some $$$?? Better you little fuck hehehaha. I'm crazy now.... seriously. Everything made me crazy. But I'm still me, s'cool bro.

Ummm what else.... not shit else. I'm just bored. Can't wait till later tonight, like 9 10ish.. gonna practice driving wit my momma. We'd do it earlier, but my permit's in my mom's Jeep and my brother's driving that today. Gets off work at 9. Probably just side streets, but I still get to get behind the wheel :-) Wish it were still light outside. Makes it harder to drive at night, can't see much and shit. But I'll still manage. I know how to drive gdammnit.

Saweeeet... it takes an hour to download TWO meisley fucking songs. Slow ass fucking internet. I can't even get to LJ. Shit's sllloooowwww. And that's REAL......BIITCH. Ahahha. Yes, Tristan Winter, my boyfriend of 2 years is BLACK. Racist mother fucker. You talk a lot of shit about "wiggers," nigga look in the fucking mirror and you've found one unaccounted for. I mean, c'mon, there aren't many white boys named Jerome, are there?? Get it, Jerome-->ROME. Fuckers. I hate racists. Blacks rule, white boys drool. Teeeheee.

Well, I'm done updating. Will write later. Bye
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