title: honesty is honestly the hardest thing
xheart_of_lifex pairings: kurt/karofsky, mentions of blaine/rachel
rating: mature
glee_kink_meme :
here.summary: All he had wanted was something to take his mind off the fact that Rachel Berry was currently making out with the boy he was in love with. However, this wasn't what he really had in mind.
warning: 2x14 spoilers
note: Here’s the deal. This can be interpreted as an AU storyline to 2x14, or it can be seen as canon. Personally, I think it can be seen as canon, slightly bordering on AU just because of Karofsky’s characterization, but that’s just me. Also, I love Max Adler/Dave Karofsky, and I think I make it pretty evident in this. I just want to hug the TV whenever he's on...
“I need you to punch me. Hard. And I know you’ve been waiting to do it, so…just have at it..."