Title: We Didn't Yell Surprise!
Author: niblettk
Rating: PG13 for one swear
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt/Blaine
Warning: none that I can think of.
Spoilers: Up to AVGC.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
Genre: fluff, romance, more fluff, poor attempts at humour
Author’s Note: First time posting to kurt_blaine, as well as first time writing Blaine. Hooray?
This is a quick drabble that took me far too long for
alter_alterego 's birthday. Happy birthday, you lovely lady, and enjoy the following sap.
Summary: Kurt thinks everyone forgot his birthday. Blaine didn't.
Word Count: 1,004
Kurt is sitting alone in the senior commons when Blaine finds him.