Series Title: Such a Funny Pair
Series Summary: A collection of moments from the eyes of Rachel Berry’s dads and Kurt Hummel’s dad.
Title: Which One Is Yours?
Author: niblettk
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rachel Berry, Kurt Hummel, James Berry
Warning: none that I can think of.
Spoilers: Seen Preggers? You’re good.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
Author’s Note: I started writing these sometime during season one and lost them on my computer. I found them recently, and at my sister’s apparent love of them, decided to keep writing them.
Summary: Burt's a man of few words, but it's enough for James.
Word Count: 656
Other Parts:
They're Perfect |
The Strong One |
Cooties |
Ballet “James,” Burt starts, “I don’t think your name is still Watson.”