Title: Those Magic Changes My Love Arranges
nubianamyCharacters: Kurt, Puck, Finn, Quinn, Sam, various OCs, Burt, Carole, Mr. (Aaron) Puckerman, Mrs. Puckerman, Puck's sister (Sarah), the Glee cast, Blaine
Rating: mostly PG-13, with flareups of NC-17 for masturbation, phone sex, sexual touching and talk
Word Count: 120k
Spoilers: for Glee seasons 1&2 through 2.07 The Substitute, as well as for the plots of various musicals and plays
Warnings: mentions of abuse, angst and prolonged unresolved sexual tension
Summary: Kurt's neighbor convinces him to do summer theater with her during the summer before his freshman year. Noah Puckerman, serving detention, is there to build the sets - and proves himself to be quite a distraction.
Listen to the soundtrack here
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc72s_nGT2yTbOVLDEL6xZzHeGaZyxzXQ Entire story on AO3:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/593929Entire story on FFNet: