May 03, 2005 09:59
I've noticed lately the reason people come over is to ask for things. Well, no matter what it is now, no matter what it is, the answer is NO! I'm sick of lending out hair dye and movies and books and everything else and not getting it back. I'm sick of people taking from me. I'm goddamn sick of it. I'm not to be taken advantage of. Fuck that. From now on, if you ask for something, not only am I going to say no, but I'm going to ask you to leave. Fuck this shit. My house is not a shopping center you can bartar for things at. I have a few cool things, and I realized the other day that they're rapidly dissappearing, and unfortunately, not by Hannah's mom. By my fucking friends. My friends? How could that be unless they're not my friends, they're just asshole users. Well, no more. I'm sick of it. If you don't want to hang out with me and Hannah just to hang out (fuck, even paying for a piercing, haha instead of asking for a free one) then fuck you. Stay away from my house because you're not welcome here.