These guidelines are subject to change:
- Participants who are under 18 will be required to restrict the rating of their works accordingly. LJ has strict policies regarding explicit content and minors, and the mods have no choice but to uphold those policies.
- You will be claiming completed art drafts. These may change somewhat between claiming and posting, but should be enough for you to base your story on.
- You may claim art for a friend who won't be online during claiming. However, each person may only claim one piece (or set of pieces), and you must indicate who you're claiming the art for when you claim it. The actual claimer must then comment on the thread to confirm as soon as possible.
- Stories should be complete and with a beta reader by 2.9.2013, in order to meet the deadline of 2.16.2013.
- Artists and writers, it is your job to keep in touch with each other to make sure you're on the same page once claims have ended. We strongly recommend that you stay in contact with each other to avoid confusion or problems with finished products due to poor communication. Writers, we cannot stress enough how important it is to ask for WIPs from your artists from time to time. If you have a question or want to make sure something is okay to put in your fic, it is not a crime to ask your artist! This also means that artists should always alert their writers if they make big changes to their art, or have created more pieces since claims.
- Tying into the last guideline, please be courteous to your artists by not making drastic changes too close to the deadline. That's a lot of pressure to put on someone. However, claims happen late in enough that this should not be an issue.
- The minimum length for fic submissions is 7,500 words. If you go over this minimum, that's great! If your length is too far under (total of 6,500 words or fewer), you may want to flesh out your story some more.
- When writing, please try not to exceed the maximum rating the artist has requested, and attempt to stay clear of any triggers they have listed. If you think your rating might be higher than the artist's preference, contact them about it.
- Remember not to post your fic anywhere until your group's KRB posting date.
- Good contact with your artist ensures that they'll include the right information about your fic during posting. Unless your artist has dropped, they will be including a link to your story when they post their art.
- Because artists include their writers' fics in their art posts, it's your responsibility as a writer to post your fic as early as possible on your group's posting date, on a site with a legible layout, using HTML formatting, if needed -- not Rich Text. Talk to your artist before embedding their art or vid directly into your fic when posting it. Some artists may prefer that their works stand alone.
- Proper fic formatting is your responsibility. An HTML/posting guide will be made available to you, which includes all the required information your artist will need, as well as what the
kurtofskyrebang mods will need to include your work in the master post. - Provided you've made the deadline and haven't dropped, your work will be included in a master post at the end of the fest.
- Participants found plagiarizing will be disqualified, banned from future participation, and reported to
REMEMBER: You can drop whenever you need to, at any point in this fest. We're not going to force you to complete it. However, dropping within two weeks of the final deadline will result in your disqualification from participating in the next round. So, please, use discretion when thinking about dropping, and don't put it off until the last minute; dropping very late in a fest is generally not the nicest thing to do and leaves your claimee a little screwed.
In addition, if you need to drop it is your job to let your artist know, so please don't forget! It's a pretty nasty surprise for a participant to realize on their posting day that their artist/writer has dropped.