Mixed Emotions.

Dec 03, 2005 19:13

Hi gang. For the most part, everyone liked the pictures. I got a couple of "Uncle Fester", and "You look like Levi Blue" type jabs, but a good response overall.
 Well, from what I've been told, I will be leaving sunny Florida December 8th, and riding up to winterized Michigan for the AWA Tag Team Tournament, with the team representing FL., The Heartbreak Express. Don't know these guys, but should be a very interesting 22+ hour car ride...LOL. It's goon be so great to see everyone again. 4 months without wrestling or seeing "The Family" is driving me mad. And, what better fed to comeback to, but UCW. Bay City is gonna be hoppin', belee dat! And, I get to see snow!
 I'm leaving Mrs. Kaoss & the kids behind for this trip. It almost turned into a guilt trip, but she's cool with it. Besides, we're all going up to Port Huron January 21st, so I can wrestle for BWCW, and she can see her family. Besides, this trip could be very detremental to my wrestling career. Gotta kayfabe it for now, but if it happens, it will be posted here, first. I'm also leaving my job for 4-5 days. Being on call 24/7 is nerve-racking, but I think that NOT being on call is going to feel even more weird. Feeling a little guilty about leaving the territory with just Walt & Gerry. But, they were doing it before I moved down here, so 5 days shouldn't be bad.
 Well, thats about it. If you're not doing anything December 9th & 10th, venture to Bay City for the tourney.....you won't be disappointed. Head over to http://www.oldschooledge.com for all the details.

Pease out, trouser trout!
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