All submissions must be in their final and complete versions and all fics must be at least fifteen thousand (15K) words long.
Instructions For FIC Submission:
Remember, DO NOT make your fic publicly available in order to get it to me. In other words, no posting it in public entries to your livejournal, tumblr, communities, etc. Posting will occur as a public debut of Round 2 to the archive with relevant posts to this community appearing for comments, which goes live on October 31. You may only post it elsewhere 2 weeks after posting has begun (November 14).
What format/file type should my fic be?
Your fic should be submitted as an HTML document or a Word document in DOC or TXT format. Google Docs and DOCX files are also accepted. Also, include any special HTML formatting you'd prefer, such as bold or italics, if you submit any format that's not an HTML document.
Where do I send my fic submission?
Submissions can be emailed as an attachment to Please include the words 'Round 2 Final Draft' and your user name in the subject line of your email. (For example: Round 2 Final Draft by gwendy1)
What must be included in the fic header?
Author: (LJ username)
Beta Information: (LJ usernames if applicable)
Word Count:
Final Drafts Have Been Received By:
darkangel86_07 for Fic #24
emo_chick_87 for Fic #28
hipokras for Fic #18
hopefulwriter27 for Fic #15
madd4the24 for Fic #03
milael93 for Fic #07
pterawaters for Fic #11
spookykat for Fic #30
way_to_the_end for Fic #05
Instructions For ART Submission:
First of all, DO NOT make your art publicly available in order to get it to me. In other words, no youtube, no unlocked photobucket, no public deviantArt, etc. Make sure only you or I (when you send me the link) can see it. We want the public debut to be when posting begins (October 31). You may only post it elsewhere 2 weeks after posting has begun (November 14).
How do I send my art submission?
Submissions can be emailed as an attachment to if your file is less than 24 MB in size. Otherwise, email me a link to where I can download it. Please include the words 'Round 2 Art' and your user name in the subject line of your email. (For example: Round 2 Art by gwendy1)
What must be included in the email?
Artist: (LJ username)
For Fic: (Give what fic number this claim was for. Example: Fic # 26)
Type of Art:
Art Rating:
Artist's Notes: (Here's where you can help me with the presentation. If you did a drawing, does it represent a particular scene it should be displayed next to? If you did a fanmix, does each song correspond with a particular scene? Please explain where you think your art should be located in relation to the fic. I'll try to follow this as much as I can when building the archive and putting together the entries.)
Link to Art: (If it's not attached to the email, provide a link to the downloadable art here.)
What if my art file size is larger than 24 MB?
Some resources for uploading your files are (up to 200 MB, no sign-up required) and (up to 1024 MB, can also be uploaded anonymously).
Your files may be zipped or unzipped; either is fine.
Final Art Has Been Received By:
bulisen for Fic # 11, 27, 28
chrunchy_crunck for Fic # 21
culann_patera for Fic # 08, 22
dearthursday for Fic # 15, 19, 24
inferiarecoming for Fic # 18
jennybliss for Fic # 03
jimmiefearsylar for Fic # 30
naryakiuxen for Fic # 05