Oct 09, 2004 21:09
Everything on my computer was recently deleted, thanks to my idiotic little brother who thinks he's a computer whiz.
Little does he know, he's just a pissing fucktard like the rest of us, here on Earth.
I mean, everthing was deleted. EVERYTHING.
I use to write. Stories. Whatever. I was nearly finished writing a whole novel forshitsake and he deleted it because he couldn't play computer games the dumb dick. Now my future really is going to the dogs.
Ah well. Move on eh?
Who really cares.
Nothing really eventful has happened in my life which is closing in.
Nothing. NOTHING.
Change me. Make me different. Make my life exciting.
Find me and entertain me. Say something. Anything. Just entertain me.
I am that bored.
I should join one of those ridiculous communities, even though I spend much of my time avoiding them. I'm sane.
I promise.