Writer Check-In #3
Welcome to the third writer check-in at the Kurt OT3 Big Bang! By now you should have a beta, a solid summary, and a title or decent working title. Please send your draft (even if you're not done) to your beta this week so they have the time they need to get started. Art claims are in two weeks-everyone excited? :D
Our beta resource post, should you not have one lined up, is
here. And, of course, if you think you need to drop you can do so
This check-in post will be open for three days, which means it closes on Monday, June 18th, so make sure you check in before you forget!
Check-in Form
*Fill all fields out to the best of your ability.
Title: My Super Awesome Puckurtofsky Fic
Author(s): Lorem & Ipsum
Rating: R
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Pairing/Side Pairings: Puck/Kurt/Dave, Finchel
Warnings: Sexual content
Word Count: 7,410
Summary: Morbi quis mi lectus, vitae scelerisque odio. Donec lobortis elit commodo est tincidunt luctus. Suspendisse vel tellus felis, a volutpat elit. Duis sollicitudin nunc at elit volutpat viverra convallis enim tempus. Suspendisse at tortor ligula. Aliquam fringilla mollis interdum. Duis venenatis fermentum consectetur.
3-10 Sentence excerpt:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet! Consectetur adipiscing elit." Puck huffed. Vivamus sagittis elit at massa ultricies sodales.
"In enim eros, convallis vitae tempus id, viverra quis libero. Suspendisse nec augue dui." Kurt replied. Dave stared.
Vestibulum ornare elit non nibh laoreet suscipit. Nunc rutrum tristique diam, nec vestibulum enim fermentum in. Quisque tincidunt libero sit amet diam feugiat eu eleifend purus facilisis.
Do you think you'll make the deadline? Yes!
Do you think an extension is in order? Maybe!
Title: Author(s):Rating: Genre: Pairing/Side Pairings: Warnings: Word Count: Summary:3-10 Sentence excerpt:Do you think you'll make the deadline? Do you think an extension is in order? Thank you for participating!