I have a new-found obsession, thanks to one of the web communities I'm part of. Everyone has a Pullip doll and now I think i'd like one too. They're collectible dolls from Asia and I personally think they're cuter than a collectible Barbie or something like that.
http://www.thevalleyofthedolls.com/dollshop.php/Pullip/?view=allI'm thinking that I might ask for one for my birthday but I'm torn between Rida and Cornice. I wish I had infinite money so I could buy all kinds of neat collectibles :O
As far as school related stuff is concerned, I dropped my second math class with the professor who sucks. I didn't need it, so there was no point in failing the class and fucking up my gpa. I'm 90% sure I'll be at York College in the spring. Yay. Not so yay for Mondays.