Immutability #5: Liberationists - 7/?

Jan 26, 2015 20:21

TITLE: Liberationists
SERIES: Immutability and Other Sins #5 (1976)
RATING: Hard R/NSFW this chapter, AU, Klaine, Mercedes/Other, Rachel/Jesse St. James
SUMMARY: In the new, post-Stonewall, liberated disco era, everything is why are old dreams so hard to obtain?
DISCLAIMERS: Anyone you recognize isn’t mine. The rest probably are. I am so intensely sorry it took so long to get this chapter written. Between various work things, the holidays, and a mental block over how to write this particular bit... the next part will be up much sooner than this one was, I assure you.
Also: The 70s were a good time for some stuff but not the best time for safety. Tipsy driving is bad, condoms are good, and the best lube is lube.

Read here

genre: au, media: fanfic, length: series, authors/artists: f, length: multi-part, rating: r

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